layout master and each method

Hi guys, i’m trying to use layout master inside a each method , so when an item of my each method is active, the black rectangle do a translation next to the active item, but i’m falling to understand , how this can be built.
can anyone help me ?




    var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable")
    var zt = Observable(
      {isOpen: false, color: "#DC143C"},
      {isOpen: false, color: "#DC143C"},
      {isOpen: true, color: "#7FFF00"},
      {isOpen: false, color: "#DC143C"}

    module.exports = {
      zt: zt
    <StackPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50">
        <ScrollView AllowedScrollDirections="Horizontal">
          <StackPanel Alignment="Center"  Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="10">
            <Each Items="{zt}">
              <Rectangle LayoutMaster="za"  Color="{color}" IsInteractingChanged="{page}" Height="10" Width="100" Margin="10">
                <WhileTrue Value="{isOpen}">
                  <Scale Factor="1.4"/>

        <Rectangle Height="10" Color="Black" ux:Name="za"  Width="50" Margin="10"/>

Hi prince,

the snippet you posted shows nothing but a single black rectangle. It’s impossible to suggest anything until we see what the problem is; and here we see nothing.

that’s the problem , please delete LayoutMaster="za" to see other rectangles

By doing that you are basically telling Fuse that all of your red and green rectangles are visual children of the black rectangle - so they move there.

To achieve what you’re after, you should change the LayoutMaster of the black rectangle, not the other way around.

The construct with ScrollView and Center-aligned StackPanel is very confusing, but I played with it a little and here’s a proof of concept that kind of works as you would expect it to:




    var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
    var zt = Observable(
      {isOpen: Observable(false), color: "#DC143C"},
      {isOpen: Observable(false), color: "#DC143C"},
      {isOpen: Observable(true), color: "#7FFF00"},
      {isOpen: Observable(false), color: "#DC143C"}

    var indexed =, index) {
        return {index: index, item: item};

    function setActive(args) {
        zt.forEach(function(item, index) {
            if (index == {
                item.isOpen.value = true;
            } else {
                item.isOpen.value = false;

    module.exports = {
      indexed: indexed,
      setActive: setActive
    <StackPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50">
        <ScrollView AllowedScrollDirections="Horizontal">
          <StackPanel Alignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="10">
            <Each Items="{indexed}">
                  <Rectangle ux:Name="smth" Color="{item.color}" Height="10" Width="100" Margin="10">
                    <WhileTrue Value="{item.isOpen}">
                      <Scale Factor="1.4"/>
                      <Change za.LayoutMaster="smth" />
                        <Callback Handler="{setActive}" />

        <Rectangle Height="10" Color="Black" ux:Name="za" Width="50" Margin="10">
            <Translation Y="2" RelativeTo="Size" />