Is there anyway to "include" external JS files as if they were hard coded within one JAVASCRIPT Block?

I’m trying to break apart my javascript files… similar to PHP includes, I wanted it so that all the different files act as one file… no need to redeclare things anymore.

So, is there anyway to “include” external JS files as if they were hard coded within one JAVASCRIPT Block?

I’ve added the line “**.js:Bundle” in my unoproject file already so that’s done.

Now, I tried requiring the main.js file, but i’m getting an “Observable not defined” error. It seems i need to define Observable again (as well as other variables/objects perhaps?) in each JS file that I require?

So I tried the Javascript File=“xx” method and it still giving me the same error.

I made sure to export the Observable object from the main.ux file already, but I guess that doesnt work (?)

Here’s what I got so far

var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var api_url = "http://localhost/api.php?";

var activePage = Observable("depts_page"); //initial page

var statText = Observable("Ready...");
var statTextColor = Observable();

var logo_file = Observable("Assets/logo_light.jpg");
var welcome_text = Observable("Welcome To SMS Queuing System. Please choose a department");
var statColor_Server = Observable("#32CD32");

//initial exports
module.exports = {
	Observable: 		Observable,
	statText: 			statText,
	statTextColor: 		statTextColor,
	logo_file: 			logo_file,
	welcome_text: 		welcome_text,
	statColor_Server: 	statColor_Server,
	activePage: 		activePage



<JavaScript File="./js/main.js" />


and my main.js file starts off w/o defining Observable like so…

 var cust_name = Observable("");
 var mobile_no = Observable("");

 var cur_dept_id = Observable("");
 var cur_dept_name = Observable("");

 var dataSource_depts	= Observable();

and that results in the error “Observable is not defined”

What am I missing here?

No, I don’t think this is possible. Each JavaScript tag, both with inline code and using File, defines a separate module. I suggest you put all the code in the external file instead.

Olle Fredriksson wrote:

No, I don’t think this is possible. Each JavaScript tag, both with inline code and using File, defines a separate module. I suggest you put all the code in the external file instead.
Hi Olle,

I see. I could put it all on a separate JS file but that’s gonna be one big JS file later and i thought of breaking it apart per “PAGE”.

My reply doesn’t mean that all code has to be in one file though. :slight_smile: It just means that each file is a separate module. One file per page sounds like a sensible design.