JS in multiple files


inside my mainview.ux i have

<Each Items="{movieList}">
    <MovieCard />

where movieCard is another ux file. movieList is a js observable from mainview.js. Inside MovieCard i tried to use another JS (including the file as follows )

<JavaScript File="MovieCards.js" ux:Global="mainview"/>

and inside (movieCards.js) i have a function that changes the visibility and height of a panel. I tried calling it with

<Circle Color="Black" Width="15" Height="15" Row="0" Column="3" >
    <Clicked Handler="{click}"/>

which is inside movieCards.ux but it doesnt seem to work. I put a console.log() inside the function but it doesnt print. Any thoughts ?

This is my MovieCard JS file :

var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');

var panelVisibility = Observable("Hidden");
var height = Observable("0");

function click(args)
    console.log(">>>> ???? <<<<<");
    if(panelVisibility.value == "Visible")
        panelVisibility.value = "Hidden";
        height.value = "0"
    } else {
        panelVisibility.value = "Visible"
        height.value = "94%"

module.exports = {
    panelVisibility : panelVisibility,
    height : height,
    click : click

first thougth is that you did not export the click function to mainview.ux from a file or tag.

function click is inside movieCards.js and is called inside movieCards.ux not in mainview.ux if i understood correctly what you said. So how am i going to export it on mainview.ux ?

oh, it did not say so. What i ment was that you should have the click function in your mainview.js file, but i think i migth have missunderstood your post, i will try to read it again :wink:

maybe you have a test project with this not working i could look at?

I re-edited the post so to avoid any further misunderstandings. Sorry i don’t have a test project to send only the code i post it :confused:

Are you sure MovieCards.js run at all?

Add a console.log at the top to check. You should also remove ux:Global="mainview" from your JavaScript tag.

You are not showing us all your code, so I not able to give you a correct answer, but from what I can see you should include your MovieCards.js in your parent UX file. But that is a bit hard to tell since I don’t know where you use panelVisibility.

This is the MainView.ux

    <JavaScript File="mainview.js" />
    <!-- other code -->

    <Each Items="{movieList}">
        <MovieCard />


<DockPanel ux:Class="MovieCard" ux:Name="self" Opacity="0.4">
    <JavaScript File="MovieCards.js"/>
    <!-- Other code -->

   <Panel ux:Name="infoPanel" Width="100%" Height="{height}" Visibility="{panelVisibility}" Opacity="0"  Alignment="Bottom">
        <Scaling ux:Name="infoPanelScaling" Y="0" X="0" />
        <Rectangle Color="Red" Width="100%" Height="100%">
            <Text TextColor="#fff" TextAlignment = "Center" Alignment="Center" >I'm Looking For :</Text>
            <Button Clicked="{click}" />


var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');

var panelVisibility = Observable("Hidden");
var height = Observable("0");

console.log("is it in ?");

function click()
    console.log(">>>> ???? <<<<<");
    if(panelVisibility.value == "Visible")
        panelVisibility.value = "Hidden";
        height.value = "0"
    } else {
        panelVisibility.value = "Visible"
        height.value = "94%"

module.exports = {
    panelVisibility : panelVisibility,
    height : height,
    click : click

if i have it like this the first log that i have inside MovieCards.js is not printed at all. Moreover if i dont use ux:Global=“MainView” the movie cards i have doesn’t take the necessary info from the mainView.js. If i move the

<JavaScript File="MovieCards.js"/>

inside the mainview then mainview.js doesn’t work. Also tried to merge the two js files but with no luck.

I just tested your code and it works as expected here here. It prints out the following when I click the items.

is it in ?
>>>> ???? <<<<<
>>>> ???? <<<<<

If i run the above code it prints but as i said i am losing all the info i have from the mainview.js. Because inside the MovieCards.ux i am using info that i have stored in observables in mainview.js. If i include the ux:Global the info are ok again but when i press the button it doesn’t do anything.

It should be like this :

in the second pic if i press the black dot which is a button and it calls the {click} function it doesn’t do anything.

It doesn’t work because you are using ux:Global (that is deprecated). When you create a new <JavaScript> tag you overwrite the datacontext of the previous tag.

You can move your code to mainview.js and check the argument to click(arg) which panel you clicked.

yes it worked as you said thank you very much! Didn’t know that ux:global was depricated so i was trying to fix it using that… Thnaks again!