iOS build problems on Mac

Hey guys! We’re trying to fix up an old fuse app to work with Fuse-X Studio Beta 4.
On Windows / Android its working well but no love on Mac, so that means no IOS…When trying to build on OSX, we’re stuck with this error: (Have installed [Mono 6.12.0 (Stable channel)])

You are using dlopen without a full path, retrying by prepending /usr/lib
Generating code and data 6.62 s ⠏Could not find PresentationCore referenced by assembly QRCoder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
Could not find PresentationCore referenced by assembly fuse-studio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
Could not find PresentationCore referenced by assembly Outracks.Fuse.Command, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
Could not find PresentationCore referenced by assembly fuse, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
Generating code and data 6.67 s
FATAL ERROR: Could not load the file 'PresentationCore'. (pass --trace for stack trace)

Anyone have any idea? We really need to get this working but dont know whats wrong.
Fuse 1.9 does not have the same issue! Have the exact same issue on 2 different Mac’s…

I guest it’s still has a bug in fuse-x studio beta when generating Xcode Preview project, but you can build fuse project by using the uno command in your project directory: uno build ios -c Release.

The output will be in the build folder

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THANK YOU! :smiley:
This made it possible to open the project in Xcode!!

Initially, we got the error:
Signing for "Test" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor. Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

But after some searching it seems we can do:
uno build ios -c Release -adebug
to skip the error and sign it in XCode… Is it supposed to work like that?

Anyway, when doing this we were able to build for iOS! :slight_smile: