Image Property in ux:Class

I’m trying to implement a sidebar menu that contains navigation links. I’ve made a MenuItem class here

<Panel ux:Class="MenuItem" Clicked="{NavigateToPage}">

    <string ux:Property="ItemText" />
    <string ux:Property="Icon" />

    <Image File="{Property Icon}" Width="35" Height="35" Alignment="CenterLeft" Margin="15, 0, 20, 0" Opacity="0.6">
        <DropShadow /> 

    <Text Value="{Property this.ItemText}">
        <DropShadow Spread="0.1" />


I need some way to pass which image I want to use for the icon so what do you suggest? I know passing the file name won’t work -obviously-, but I attached this snippet of code to give you an idea of what I’m trying to accomplish. I know there’s a type called Resource but I haven’t had much luck trying to implement it.

Change <string ux:Property="Icon" /> with <FileSource ux:Property="Icon" />

and you forgot the this in File="{Property Icon}" so it should be: File="{Property this.Icon}"

Edwin Reynoso wrote:

Change <string ux:Property="Icon" /> with <FileSource ux:Property="Icon" />

and you forgot the this in File="{Property Icon}" so it should be: File="{Property this.Icon}"

Thank you!! I’m loving the concept of Classes, but the documentation on them isn’t that descriptive. Do you know of any other video tutorials or books? Other than Jake’s Videos

Nope but there’s the Reference page:

Click Image scroll to the File property and next to it is FileSource and that’s how you know which property is needed