How to get local .mp3 file


How do you include a mp3 file into the bundle? Or how do you make this work with a local mp3 file:

    static object Load(Context c, object[] args)

            var player = _players[(int)args[0]];

            var filePath = args[1] as string;

            debug_log "Load file: "+filePath;

            foreach(var bf in Uno.IO.Bundle.AllFiles)

                //debug_log bf.SourcePath;

            //filePath = "sound.mp3"; File only included in project - not working
            //filePath = ""; Works 


            return null;


It looks like you are using the MediaPlayer code from

In the player code we are using Java/ObjectiveC code for the implementation, so we have to fish out some stuff that they want.

I have added the code that is needed to load bundlefiles for this particular case in Android/iOS

interface IMediaPlayer
    void Load(string filePath);
    void Load(BundleFile bundleFile);
    void Play();

extern(Android) class AndroidMediaPlayer : IMediaPlayer
    public void Load(BundleFile bundleFile)
        LoadBundle(_mediaPlayerHandle, bundleFile.BundlePath);

    static void LoadBundle(Java.Object handle, string bundlePath)
            android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor afd = @(Activity.Package).@(Activity.Name)


        catch (java.lang.Exception e)
            android.util.Log.d("android player", "Failed to load: " + e.getMessage());

extern(iOS) class iOSMediaPlayer : IMediaPlayer
    public void Load(BundleFile bundleFile)
        var absolutePath = GetBundleAbsolutePath(bundleFile.BundlePath);

    static string GetBundleAbsolutePath(string bundlePath)
        return [[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:bundlePath withExtension:@""] absoluteString];

Let me know if you have any further questions :slight_smile: