Hey Guys, I have been battling with this for hours now. I am trying to implement an interface like that of the uber app. Basically what I want to achieve is a layout with a map at the background that I can interact with, and a card with only some of its parts showing at the bottom. When I scroll up this card, it fills up the entire screen.
So far I’ve only been able to achieve one of two scenarios. Either I can interact with the map and not the card, or I can interact with both, but the card cannot be scrolled to top.
Please guys, any useful ideas will be appreciated
Here’s the code I currently have
<App Background="#efefef">
<StatusBarBackground Dock="Top" Background="#000000" />
<ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="400">
<Scale Target="Panel" Factor="1.09" />
<Change Panel.CornerRadius="0" />
<StackPanel ItemSpacing="20" ZOffset="10">
<Panel ux:Class="Tab" Margin="0">
<string ux:Property="Text" />
<Text Value="{ReadProperty Text}" FontSize="12" Color="#000" Alignment="Center" />
<Text ux:Class="WelcomeText" FontSize="30" Alignment="Center"/>
<Rectangle Height="400" />
<Shadow ux:Name="PanelShadow" Angle="90" Distance="5" Size="16" Color="#0005" />
<SolidColor Color="#fff" />
<StackPanel ux:Name="content">
<Rectangle ux:Name="indicator" LayoutMaster="page1Tab" Alignment="Bottom" Height="2" Width="25" Color="Black">
<Move RelativeTo="WorldPositionChange" X="1" Duration="0.4" Easing="BackIn"/>
<Grid ux:Name="Tabs" ColumnCount="3" Height="50" Margin="0,0,0,10">
<Panel ux:Name="page1Tab">
<Tab Text="NEW">
<Set navigation.Active="page1" />
<Panel ux:Name="page2Tab">
<Tab Text="REQUESTS">
<Set navigation.Active="page2" />
<Panel ux:Name="page3Tab">
<Tab Text="MANAGE">
<Set navigation.Active="page3" />
<PageControl ux:Name="navigation">
<Page ux:Name="page1">
<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
<Set indicator.LayoutMaster="page1Tab" />
<WelcomeText>Welcome to Page 1</WelcomeText>
<Page ux:Name="page2" Background="#abb7b7">
<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
<Set indicator.LayoutMaster="page2Tab" />
<WelcomeText>Welcome to Page 2</WelcomeText>
<Page ux:Name="page3" Background="#f2f1ef">
<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
<Set indicator.LayoutMaster="page3Tab" />
<WelcomeText>Welcome to Page 3</WelcomeText>
<MapView Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Zoom="10">
<MapMarker Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Label="Fuse HQ"/>
<BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" />