July 27, 2018, 9:15am
< Panel Width=“50%” Height=“85%” Alignment=“Right” >
< Panel ux:Name=“infoRect” Color="{ReadProperty BackgroundColor}" Opacity=“0” >
< Grid ux:Name=“infoRectContent” Rows=“1*,1*” Padding=“15” Opacity=“0” >
< Translation ux:Name=“infoRectContentTrans” Y=“0.15” RelativeTo=“Size” />
< Each Items="{numbers}">
< Grid Rows=“1*,1*” Height=“60”>
< Text Value="{title}" FontSize=“16” TextColor="#fff " />
< Text Value="{fact}" FontSize=“14” TextColor="#fff " />
< /Grid>
< /Each>
< /Grid>
< /Panel>
< /Panel>
< JavaScript>
module.exports = Observable(
id: 0,
name: ‘Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest’,
country: ‘United States’,
color: ‘#eb8b8b ’,
image: “Assets/1.png”,
numbers: [
{ title: ‘Elevation’, fact: ‘3,410 m’ },
{ title: ‘Area’, fact: ‘113 km2’ }
< /JavaScript>
In This Panel, I want to add Clicked="{pageClicked}" to this line How to do that so i can go to a Particular page .
July 27, 2018, 9:30am
2 in this example if i click ancient pine forest it should be navigated to page1 or if i click iceland i want to open page2 using clicked="{pageclicked}"? how can i do that?
Please share the complete snippet. You can add HitTestMode=“LocalBoundsAndChildren” to the panel ux properties.
1 Like
As far as i understand what you’re trying to do is, you want to have an overview like the one in the example but instead of the animation you want to go to a specific “page”.
As i’m not sure this would work with PageControl, i suggest to use a Panel which you show and hide by using Visibility=“Hidden” or Visibility=“Visible”.
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var yourDataObject = Observable(
id: 0,
name: 'Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest',
country: 'United States',
color: '#eb8b8b',
image: "Assets/1.png",
numbers: [
title: 'Elevation',
fact: '3,410 m'
title: 'Area',
fact: '113 km2'
var yourPageObject = Observable();
var pageVisibility = Observable("Hidden");
function clickMe(args) {
yourPageObject.value = yourDataObject.getAt(;
pageVisibility.value = "Visible";
function hideMe() {
pageVisibility.value = "Hidden";
module.exports = {
<Panel ux:Class="viewPage" Visibility="{pageVisibility}" Background="0,0,0,1" Color="#FFFFFF" Layer="Overlay">
<object ux:Property="Input" />
var data = this.Input.inner();
module.exports = {
<Text Value="Item Page:" />
<Each Items="{data}">
<Text Value="{name}" />
<Text Value="{country}" />
<Button Text="Hide me" Clicked="{hideMe}" />
<viewPage Input="{yourPageObject}" />
<Text Value="Overview:" />
<Each Items="{yourDataObject}">
<Text Value="{name}" Color="#000000" Clicked="{clickMe}" />
1 Like
July 27, 2018, 2:46pm
< Text Value="{title}" Clicked="{yogaClicked}" FontSize=“16” TextColor="#fff " />
module.exports = {
yogaClicked: yogaClicked,
function yogaClicked() {
// TODO: validate login credentials
So Obviously if i click any title it will navigate to “Yoga” Page. What i want is i wanna navigate each title to different page.
I don’t think your approach is going to work out.
Of course you could do
function yogaClicked(args) {
router.goto(; // or so
but that implies that every page has been set up before. which means you might have a hard time when you try to fetch data from the internet.
1 Like
July 29, 2018, 5:24pm
Thanks for Your reply. I want to make same as it shown in this shot.
I m stuck and dont have any idea how to expand image on click. Fusetools already gave an example on this but i want to open image on click.