How does one access the router from a module?

I need to be able to call

router.push "somePage"

from a JavaScript module in the Modules/ folder.

Seems like I can pass a reference from the first page of the app via a function to the module and store it in there for when it’s needed above.

What is the best practice?

SkillsPlanet wrote:
pass a reference from the first page of the app via a function to the module

Excatly like that, yes.

I am somewhat new to Fuse and am trying to do the same thing; make router accessible to a Module. Is anybody able to provide a syntax example of the above solution. Also, I am not clear what the first page is, is it js or ux and is it mainview or the calling page? Thank you for any help you can provide.

@Aaron: this has been explained before.