How access JS exported variables and "Each" object properties? What is scope in inline JavaScript?

Here I’m attempting to access previously JavaScript variables and the value being iterated over. Is this possible?


	    module.exports = {
	        list: [
		        {phrase: "hello"},
		        {phrase: "team"}
    <WrapPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter">
        <Each Items="{list}">
                            debug_log "list=" + list;
			    debug_log "phrase=" + phrase;
            <Text Value="{phrase}" />

Yes, it’s possible, but in a different way:

        module.exports = {
            list: [
                {phrase: "hello"},
                {phrase: "team"}
    <WrapPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter">
        <Each Items="{list}">
            <ListItem Phrase="{phrase}" />

    <Panel ux:Class="ListItem">
        <string ux:Property="Phrase" />
        this.Phrase.onValueChanged(module, function(x) {
            console.log("phrase: '" + x + "'");
        <Text Value="{ReadProperty Phrase}" />

Read more about Properties.