Hamburger sliding menu sliding under when using maps

hi guys,
my hamburger slider is sliding under the map. i tried to use “RenderToTexture”, but im still unable to fix this problem. Can anyone help me with this?


	<iOS.StatusBarConfig Style="Light" />
		<Panel ux:Name="sidebar" Edge="Left" Width="100%" Margin="0,0,56,0" Background="#37474F">
		<WhileActive Threshold="0.01">
                   <Change _nativeViewHost.RenderToTexture="true" />
			<Shadow ux:Name="shadow" Angle="180" Distance="8" Size="16" Color="#0000" />
				<Change shadow.Color="#0004" />
				<Change sidebarFade.Opacity="1" />
		<DockPanel Color="#263238">
			<Rectangle ux:Name="sidebarFade" Layer="Overlay" Color="#0005" Opacity="0" HitTestMode="None" />
			<StackPanel Dock="Top" Color="#2196F3">
				<Shadow Size="3" Distance="1" />
				<StatusBarBackground />
				<Panel Height="56">
					<Hamburger Alignment="Left">
							<NavigateToggle Target="sidebar" />

		<NativeViewHost ux:Name="_nativeViewHost" RenderToTexture="false">
			<MapView Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Zoom="10">
				<MapMarker Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Label="Fuse HQ"/>


Hi Scott,

unfortunately there seems to be no good solution for this at the moment. The right way to do it would be to put the EdgeNavigator itself inside of the NativeViewHost (as seen in this forum post), and that would render the edge panel on top of the map, however there is another known issue on Android that consumes all the clicks on top of it, thus rendering the gesture that pulls the edge panel out ineffective.

I have now linked this forum post to the internal issue and you’ll get notified when that is fixed.