get item details from item clicked


Does someone has an idea why i can’t get item details from clicked element ?

<App Theme="Basic">

    var Observable  = require("FuseJS/Observable");
    var data = Observable();
    var currentPage = Observable("NEWS");
    var id = Observable('');

    .then(function(response) { return response.json(); })
    .then(function(responseObject) { data.value = responseObject; });

    getId = function(e){
        id.value =;

    module.exports = {
        data: data,
        currentPage : currentPage,
        id : id

        <!-- ################### SUBPAGE CLASS -->
        <Page ux:Class="subpage">
                <Move Y="1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="0.2"/>

        <!-- ################### THE TOP BAR -->
        <StackPanel Dock="Top">
            <!-- This is the top ledge -->
            <ux:Include File="topbar.ux" />
            <Rectangle Height="1" Fill="#333c48" />
        <Text ux:Class="Header" Margin="14,10,14,5" TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="22">
        <Text ux:Class="Article" Margin="14,0,14,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="13">
                <Panel ux:Name="mainPage1">
                    <subpage ux:Name="liste" Color="#ffffff">
                        <ScrollView ClipToBounds="true">
                            <StackPanel Alignment="Top">
                                <Each Items="{data.responseData}" >

                                    <StackPanel  Clicked="{getId}" ux:Name="NewsItem" Margin="0,0,0,20">

                                        <!-- RENDERING -->
                                        <Image  Url="{imageUrl}" />
                                        <Header Value="{headline}" >


                                        <!--Article Value="{body}" ux:Name="PostContent" /-->
                                            <NavigateTo Target="details"/>



                    <!-- ############## SUBPAGE -->
                    <ux:Include File="DetailsPage.ux" />


            <Page ux:Name="mainPage2" Color="#333"/>


When i click on the element (inside a loop) i call the getId function :

The element :

<Each Items="{data.responseData}" >
    <StackPanel  Clicked="{getId}" ux:Name="NewsItem" Margin="0,0,0,20">
        <!-- RENDERING -->
         <Image  Url="{imageUrl}" />
         <Header Value="{headline}" />
             <NavigateTo Target="details"/>

The function not binded from the element clicked

    var Observable  = require("FuseJS/Observable");
    var data = Observable();
    var currentPage = Observable("NEWS");
    var id = Observable('');

    .then(function(response) { return response.json(); })
    .then(function(responseObject) { data.value = responseObject; });

    getId = function(e){
        id.value =;

    module.exports = {
        data: data,
        currentPage : currentPage,
        id : id



Try to look at what you get in e by doing


Your code works well for me, except that you didn’t export getId.

Yes your are in right, just a question may be an idiot question but i want to know, why i should export getId? this is a function already binded by the clicked element and return the id.value (exported and observed) ?

getId is not available to the clicked element when it’s not exported. When you use it and not export it is not called. An empty function is called by Clicked.

Thank you for responses, how to mark resolved please?