Geolocation fails on Android device

I am trying to get a user’s location via GeoLocation.getLocation(timeout_ms) on a Samsung S5. Everything is cool on my iPhone, that works smoothly.

When I preview the app on my Android device, geolocation times out with this error:

Location request timed out

I have my google maps API key set in my .unoproj file, and Android Studio installed - I made sure to also grab the Google Play Services SDK Tools (wasn’t sure if this was a prerequisite or not).

Not sure if this also helps or whether it’s in any way related, but my other AJAX call to return blog posts and populate a ScrollView (does not require geolocation), returns no results.

For the record, here’s my Packages section of my unoproj file:

"Packages": [

And the Android SDK tools I currently have installed:

Tested with multiple Android devices, same issue. Both times I explicitly allowed the app to query the user’s location. And the console confirms it: Permissions: Permissions granted

Looks like Geolocation itself was never an issue. The main problem was a missing “intermediate/chain certificate” that needed to be linked to a trusted root certificate. Once I changed my API urls to redirect to plain old http, all fetch() requests started working.