Fuse stopped working after installed Android SDK (don't know if it was a coincidence.)

Will try to run windows update, reinstall, etc to see if this fixes it.

Here are the exceptions I get. Perhaps it’s obvious to you what the problem is:

Running fuse.exe: System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type ‘System.TypeInitializationException’ occurred in Fuse.exe Additional information: The type initializer for ‘Uno.Configuration.UnoSettings’ threw an exception.

Running sdk-downloader.exe: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type ‘System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException’ occurred in PresentationFramework.dll Additional information: Initialization of ‘SDKDownloader.Wpf.MainWindow’ threw an exception.

Thanks for the report. Could you give us some more info about your environment, as CPU architecture and OS version?

Spookysys: specifically - are you on 32bit or 64bit Windows?

It looks like a file is corrupt on your computer. There will not be a fix before Tuesday. Can you try to run Fuse from the command line? And post the result here.

When you have done that, try deleting “%programdata%/Uno/.sdkconfig”, which will likely fix your problem.

I am sorry i meant “%programdata%/Uno/SDKs/.sdkconfig”.

Emil, Bent: Windows 7 64-bit


C:\Program Files (x86)\Fuse>Fuse.exe

C:\Program Files (x86)\Fuse>

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘Uno.Configuration.UnoSettings’ threw an exception. —> System.Exception: Fai led to load ‘C:\ProgramData\Uno\SDKs.sdkconfig’: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: name —> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: name at System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(String name) at Uno.Configuration.ConfigSystem.AddFile(String filename, Boolean overwrite) — End of inner exception stack trace — at Uno.Configuration.ConfigSystem.AddFile(String filename, Boolean overwrite) at Uno.Configuration.UnoSettings.LoadConfig() at Uno.Configuration.UnoSettings…cctor() — End of inner exception stack trace — at Outracks.Fuse.Entrypoint.Main(String[] cmdArgs)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Fuse>del c:\ProgramData\Uno\SDKs.sdkconfig

C:\Program Files (x86)\Fuse>fuse

C:\Program Files (x86)\Fuse> GL_VERSION: 3.3.0 GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation GL_RENDERER: GeForce 9800M GTS/PCIe/SSE2 Currently in progress:

And works! :slight_smile:

Thank you!

So, while Fuse now works again, Sdk-downloader still crashes (also with the new version of fuse):

System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type ‘System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException’ occurred in PresentationFramework.dll Additional information: Initialization of ‘SDKDownloader.Wpf.MainWindow’ threw an exception.

Contents of “C:\ProgramData\Uno\SDKs.sdkconfig” after the crash:


The “null” for “JavaJdkDirectory” appears to be what makes Fuse crash. But of course, Sdk-Download should not have written “null” there - i suppose it is because it crashed.

After installing JDK, Sdk-Downloader now runs correctly, and does not produce a .sdkconfig which makes Fuse crash!

So from my understanding this is a double issue:

  1. sdk-downloader.exe crashes if JDK isn’t installed
  2. Fuse.exe crashes if “JavaJdkDirectory” is null (which I suppose is intended to say that jdk is not installed)