Fresh install for Fuse, build to android device is not working

Hi people,

just try to do this example with a new laptop :smile:

download the latest Fuse and use an example to put on a android device. Not working.
My situation is simple.
Clean install windows10
install fuse from Redirectingā€¦
and with cmd ā€œfuse install androidā€

preview with an QR code is working fine, but preview on an android device not.
cmd: fuse preview -t=android -vv
error: * What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ā€˜:appā€™.

No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: mipsel-linux-android

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 11.572 secs
(unknown): E0200: Android build failed
?: Error E0200: Android build failed
12.65 s

Build completed in 44.19 seconds
1 error
fuse: Failed to compile project

help pleaseā€¦

Same errors for me.

Please help

Fuse 1.9
Windows 10

@mvondoyannick so same error you reported here or is it different? Maybe some more info on the error log could help?


Hi Marten,

please understand that a new user with a new laptop (yes 64bit) can not get a fuse build to android working because of the error that I showed you. The case that you refer to has nothing to do with out error, so why do you link to it?

Was merely asking a question. Hope you find a solution to your problem.


Marten, I did.
The problem is the NDK16b is needed to make the android build posible.

Steps needed for whoever wants to use Fuse to build an Android app;

install fuse studio
CMD: fuse install android
install latest Sublime Text
install fuse sublime Text plugin (from the Sublime Text package manager!)

To get your export for android working after the fresh install, you will need to download NDK 16 and replace it in your android SDK until someone comes out with a fix.

NDK 16b:
Build your own App or use an example and do Tools -> Build withā€¦ -> Android build & run from Sublime Text

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Hey guys, try searching the forum first: Sep 2018 - Fresh install of Android with fuse 1.9.0 Mac

hi @Morten, sorry for late answer, these are my informations about some errors

C:\Users\agis\Documents\Fuse\cancerApp>fuse preview -tandroid -vv
Fuse 1.9.0
Starting preview for C:\/Users/agis/Documents/Fuse/cancerApp/cancerApp.unoproj,
target Android
Project file: cancerApp.unoproj
Search paths: ..\..\..\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages
Packages:     UnoCore 1.9.0, Fuse.Platform 1.9.0, Uno.Collections 1.9.0, Uno.Dat
a.Json 1.9.0, Uno.Net.Sockets 1.9.0, Uno.Threading 1.9.0, Fuse.Common 1.9.0, Fus
e.Marshal 1.9.0, Fuse.Scripting 1.9.0, Fuse.Nodes 1.9.0, Uno.Net.Http 1.9.0, Uno
.Testing 1.9.0, Fuse.Reactive 1.9.0, Fuse.Reactive.Expressions 1.9.0, Fuse.Motio
n 1.9.0, Fuse.Animations 1.9.0, Fuse.Drawing 1.9.0, Fuse.Drawing.Planar 1.9.0, E
xperimental.Http 1.9.0, Experimental.TextureLoader 1.9.0, Fuse.Designer 1.9.0, F
use.Triggers 1.9.0, Fuse.Reactive.Bindings 1.9.0, Fuse.Elements 1.9.0, Fuse.Draw
ing.Primitives 1.9.0, Fuse.Drawing.Surface 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.Native 1.9.0, Fu
se.Gestures 1.9.0, Fuse.Navigation 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.Pan
els 1.9.0, Fuse.Effects 1.9.0, Fuse.Text 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.Primitives 1.9.0,
Fuse.Android.TextRenderer 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.ScrollView 1.9.0, Fuse.Android 1.
9.0, Fuse.Controls.DatePicker 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.Navigation 1.9.0, Fuse.Contro
ls.TimePicker 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.Video 1.9.0, Fuse.iOS.TextRenderer 1.9.0, Fus
e.iOS 1.9.0, Fuse.Controls.WebView 1.9.0, Fuse.Desktop 1.9.0, Fuse.FileSystem 1.
9.0, Fuse.Physics 1.9.0, Fuse.Scripting.JavaScript 1.9.0, Fuse.Selection 1.9.0,
Fuse.Storage 1.9.0, Fuse.Testing 1.9.0, Fuse.UserEvents 1.9.0, Fuse 1.9.0, Fuse.
Models 1.9.0, Fuse.WebSockets 1.9.0, Polyfills.Window 1.9.0, FuseJS 1.9.0, Uno.P
ermissions 1.9.0, Fuse.ImageTools 1.9.0, Fuse.Maps 1.9.0, Fuse.Share 1.9.0, Fuse
.Launcher.Email 1.9.0, Fuse.Launcher.InterApp 1.9.0, Fuse.Launcher.Maps 1.9.0, F
use.Launcher.Phone 1.9.0, Fuse.Launcher 1.9.0, Fuse.iOS.LocationPermissions 1.9.
0, Fuse.GeoLocation 1.9.0, Fuse.LocalNotifications 1.9.0, Outracks.Simulator.Com
mon.Uno 0.0.0, Fuse.Preview.Core 0.1.0, fuse-snackbar 0.0.0, cancerApp 0.0.0
Output dir:   build\Android\Preview
24.72 s
stuff: Collecting garbage

Compiling syntax tree
Icons\ W4139: Uno.IO.BundleFileImporter is obsolete: 'Use im
port(FILENAME) instead'
C:\Users\agis\Documents\Fuse\cancerApp\Icons\,58): Warning W4139:
 Uno.IO.BundleFileImporter is obsolete: 'Use import(FILENAME) instead'
Icons\ W0000: Material.IconBase.Size hides inherited member
Fuse.Elements.Element.Size -- use the 'new' modifier if hiding is intentional
C:\Users\agis\Documents\Fuse\cancerApp\Icons\,17): Warning W0000:
 Material.IconBase.Size hides inherited member Fuse.Elements.Element.Size -- use
 the 'new' modifier if hiding is intentional
2.79 s

Generating code and data
   30 namespaces stripped
  114 types stripped
  246 fields stripped
 2924 functions stripped
 1136 classes sealed
 1948 functions sealed
  126 functions stripped from vtable
56.89 s

Building Android app
Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.


Total time: 3 mins 16.837 secs

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: mipsel-l

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug
option to get more log output.
(unknown): E0200: Android build failed
?: Error E0200: Android build failed
3 m, 28.24 s

Build completed in 295.12 seconds
    2 warnings
    1 error
fuse: Failed to compile project


Hi aeq,

Your comment is 1 step of the solution.
Please be advised, the build still needs to be done from the Sublime Text editor to work.

CMD: fuse build -t=android -r
Is still not working, and gives the same error.
So yes, We looked at the Forum first but there is not 1 complete solution.
Hopefully the docs get updated and the youtube channel gets some more videos, otherwise I do not see any future for Fuseā€¦sad.

grt Dave

Hey Dave,

I just went through a fresh install on a fresh Windows 10 machine without using the sublime text plugin, hereā€™s my quick tut:

Thanx aeq, for the ā€œquickā€ install guideā€¦
I see that when I follow yor steps exactly, it ā€œworksā€.

So thanx for the responses, This Bug can now be closed.
How? I do not know.
Does this needs to be removed? Yes, because otherwise we only see old responses on sollutions that have changend in the last years.

Hopefully the old fuse guys :smile: will try to put more time into youtube tuts.

grts, Dave

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I found you have to press ā€œBuild Withā€ twice.