var messageHandler = new HttpMessageHandler();
var request = messageHandler.CreateRequest("GET", "");
request.Done += RequestDone;
request.Error += RequestError;
request = messageHandler.CreateRequest("GET", "");
request.Done += RequestDone;
request.Error += RequestError;
No callback for any of them I can only reproduce this in preview (works in a built dotnet)
I’m having a similar problem, but I’m just sending one request at a time.
The request arrives at the server, and the server responds. But I’m not getting any callbacks on the client. When running in preview, fuse says “Oh! Looks like your app is hanging!”
Have you had any luck at all using the HttpMessageHandler ?
Strange observation: If I defer the initialization of HttpRequestManager until pressing the “Test”-button, rather than initializing it in the constructor, it works.
I’ve updated the zip-file above to illustrate this.
(This is not however, a robust fix. In a more advanced version it still hangs even if I defer the initialization until the button is clicked)
worked around it for now by new’ing a temporary HttpMessageHandler for every request! 
Today’s Fuse release includes a new and improved Uno.Net.Http package, moved out of the Experimental namespace. In particular the Android and iOS backends were rewritten and should be much improved.
Please add a comment if you’re still seeing these issues with the new release and the platform in which you experience them.