Hey. I encountered a problem with passing data from one .ux to another .ux via .js.
First my list with persons.
var leads = [
id: 0,
salutation: "Herr",
firstname: "Max",
lastname: "Mustermann",
notes: [
"id": 1,
"content": "This is a test"
"id": 2,
"content": "Will it work?"
"id": 3,
"content": "We will see..."
id: 1,
salutation: "Herr",
firstname: "Peter",
lastname: "Paul",
notes: []
When i press on one of the list items a js-function will be called
function pushToDetailsPage(arg) {
var lead = arg.data;
router.push("contactDetailsPage", lead);
until this everything works fine. now the problem:
My ContactsDetail.js
var params = this.Parameter;
var id = params.map(function(x){return x.id;});
var salutation = params.map(function(x){return x.salutation;});
var firstname = params.map(function(x){return x.firstname;});
var lastname = params.map(function(x){return x.lastname;});
var notes = params.map(function(x){return x.notes;});
var lead = {salutation, id, firstname, lastname, company, department, position, phone, fax, mobile, email, notes};
module.exports = {
person: lead,
in my ConteactDetailsPage.ux i wrote this (shortened):
<Each Items="{person.notes}" >
<TextField TextFieldTitle="Note" TextFieldInput="{}" />
And the result is this:
My TextField.ux looks like this if it helps:
<Panel ux:Class="TextField" ux:Name="self" Input="Default">
<string ux:Property="TextFieldTitle"/>
<string ux:Property="TextFieldInput"/>
<TextInputHint ux:Property="Input" />
<StackPanel ItemSpacing="5" HitTestMode="LocalVisualAndChildren">
<Text TextColor="#fff" Value="{Property self.TextFieldTitle}"/>
<Rectangle Color="#222" Padding="0" CornerRadius="3">
<TextView Value="{Property self.TextFieldInput}" CaretColor="White" TextColor="#ddd" InputHint="{ReadProperty self.Input}"/>
How can i access the content from my notes?
When i try {content} instead of {} the text in my TextField is empty.