Display issue on Android 7

My team is preparing to publish it to the app stores, and our tester reported that the app is unstable on larger resolution Android 7 devices. Texts and Images failed to display correctly, and sometimes things were misplaced. It seems to be a display issue to us.

Demo clip is available here

The demo device is a Nexus 9 with Android 7

The same app is running properly on small resolution Android 7 devices and iOS.

The situation may be similar to another one reported previously by another developer



Thanks for reporting! This issue is specific to devices running Nvidia Tegra K1 class gpus. We have fixed the issue and will release a new installer at https://www.fusetools.com/downloads/channel/qa in a few hours :slight_smile:

Hi Vicker, Fuse 0.27.1 is now available on the qa channel: https://www.fusetools.com/downloads/channel/qa

Please try it out and let me know how it goes.

Fuse 0.27.1 is now available as an official beta: https://www.fusetools.com/downloads/

Just to confirm the issue which happened on Nexus 9 is resolved with 0.27.1. Thanks. You guys are awesome.

Nice, I’m glad to hear that! :slight_smile: And thanks for the detailed bug report.