DatePicker problems on iOS

Hello, I have problems with DatePicker after updating to last Xcode version, any idea what can be the issue?

UX code:

   <DatePicker Value="{date}" MinValue="{minDate}" MaxValue="{maxDate}" />

JS code:

var date = Observable()

module.exports = {
  minDate: new Date(Date.parse("1950-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")),
  maxDate: new Date(Date.parse("2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"))

And it results to render DatePicker like this:

Any idea how I can fix this problem?

Ok, I found out that is the issue if you are using dark mode on iPhone.

If anyone face the same issue, you can opt out and use Light Mode as default by adding this to info.plist:

UIUserInterfaceStyle: Light

…or try catering for dark mode: New iOS 13 updates to try out: DarkMode & SystemFont Updates

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