Curve don't draw line

I’m wondering if this is a bug or works as designed…
I want to draw a line with the Curve tag like this:

    <Curve StrokeWidth="5" Width="100" Height="100" StrokeColor="#000" Style="Straight">
        <CurvePoint At="0,1" />
        <CurvePoint At="0,0" />

But nothing shows up?!
If I add a second line everything is correctly shown:

    <Curve StrokeWidth="5" Width="100" Height="100" StrokeColor="#000" Style="Straight">
        <CurvePoint At="0,1" />
        <CurvePoint At="0,0" />
        <CurvePoint At="1,0" />

Thanks for reporting! This indeed looks like a bug. There is a ticket on this issue and you can follow the status of it there.

I found out that the first line is drawn on a real device (iOS).