Correct way to hook up a NavigationBar and a PageControl

I’m a bit confused that I can’t seem to access the StructuredNavigation object of the PageControl. Due to this, I can’t use use NavigateTo, and have to resort to Set. (Is PageControl not intended to be used this way?)

Here’s how I do it ATM:

<!-- Main View -->

    <!-- Navigation Bar -->
    <NavigationBar DockPanel.Dock="Top">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Button Text="Page1">
                    <Set Target="_pageControl.Active" Value="_page1" />
            <Button Text="Page2">
                    <Set Target="_pageControl.Active" Value="_page2" />
            <Button Text="Page3">
                    <Set Target="_pageControl.Active" Value="_page3" />

    <!-- Page View -->
    <PageControl ux:Name="_pageControl">
        <Page ux:Name="_page1">
            <Text Content="Page1"/>
        <Page ux:Name="_page2">
            <Text Content="Page2"/>
        <Page ux:Name="_page3">
            <Text Content="Page3"/>


Is this how it should be done?