control push notification confirmation

Hi, I would like to show permission dialog when I specify.

I need to improve pre-permission dialog for push notification.

like this:


Do you want to create your own custom dialogs for this or are you talking about integrating with the native APIs for dialogs?

Fuse does not provide out-of-the-box apis for dialogs yet. If thats what you want please have a look at Foreign code and this code: Fuse.Dialogs

Hope this helps

Hi vegard :slight_smile:

‘Pre-permission dialog’ is not only dialog. I’m going to show screen that explains necessity to accept push notification.

example: example

it increase push notification acceptance rate probably. but Fuse calls registerUserNotificationSettings in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions on iOS. I can`t show explanation screen before showing push notification confirmation dialog on iOS.


Please add this