Then you will send your form data using the fetch api to your server and connect to mysql serverside. Almost like you would send data from a html form. It’s probably easiest to receive it as json or xml in your PHP application.
How can I add the result to an Observable so that I can print that in app using Each tag? I tried looping over the array and add() using data.add(responseObject.user_detail[i]) but it throw OnAdd excpetion.
I assume you want to fetch data from a remote MySQL server? In that case, you need some sort of server-side code to provide an API that the app can connect to (just like with any other app framework).
my API REST is like this:
this return a code JSON.
I am using this on your example of Newsfeed just changing values, but this dont get nothing, the changes are this:
function Article(item) {
this.title =;
this.description =; =;
this.published = new Date( * 1000).toDateString();
this.image = "";
if ( > 0) this.image = '''/';
.then(function(response) { data="Hola";})
.then(function(responseObject) {
for (var i in responseObject.thirdFold) {
items.push(new Article(responseObject.thirdFold[i]));
Plase you can help me?
What is the problem on this example?