<Clicked /> Trigger not working in Each Statement whats wrong?

its simple

function see() {
      console.log("am working");

    module.exports = {
<Each Items="{list}">
          <StackPanel Height="90" Padding="7" Margin="0,10,0,10">
            <Text Value="{label}" Alignment="Left" Font="regular" FontSize="18" TextColor="#444" />
            <Text Value="GP = {point} ({grade})" Alignment="Left" Font="regular" FontSize="28" TextColor="#333" />
            <Text Value="{time}" Alignment="Right" Font="regular" FontSize="16" TextColor="#444" />
            <Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="#fff" CornerRadius="4"/>
              <Callback Handler="{see}" />

This does not work if i click once

it works if i double Click with 2 fingers


Can you please provide a complete example (including <App> tags) that reproduces the issue? It’s impossible to debug from just a fragment taken out of context. I see nothing direclty wrong with your code.

Anders Lassen wrote:


Can you please provide a complete example (including <App> tags) that reproduces the issue? It’s impossible to debug from just a fragment taken out of context. I see nothing direclty wrong with your code.

I think I am having same problem after new fuse v 0.32.0 update. Clicked Handler inside Each doesn’t response to click on desktop and touch on devices.

Here’s my post

I can’t find anything generally wrong with using Clicked inside Each (see my post here: https://www.fusetools.com/community/forums/general/new_fuse_v_0320_update_broke_my_app?page=1&highlight=481a164a-b395-442f-8f48-d27f10bb0c08#post-481a164a-b395-442f-8f48-d27f10bb0c08)

Unless someone can provide a complete test case that reproduces the issue, there is not much more we can do on our end, sorry.