Change Click Handler via <Set>

I have multiple pages and a button, which I want to change the handler depending on which page is active:

      <Set Target="click.Handler" Value="{someFunction1} />
      <Set Target="click.Handler" Value="{someFunction2} />
      <Set Target="click.Handler" Value="{someFunction3} />
  <Clicked ux:Name="click" Handler="{someFunction1}" />

I know I can set one handler on the buttton, and have an observable check which page is active and then trigger different functions depending on which page is active as so, but I prefer to do it the way above is this possible and what am I doing wrong?

Bindings, like {someFunction2} are not ordinary values in Fuse. They were never intended to be copied this way, and it’s likely just not a supported scenario.

Can you indicate why the approach of using an observable isn’t working for you?

I didn’t say using an Observable for which page is active is not working for me, I just wanted to be able to do it the way I showed above, so I didn’t have to have an Observable for the active page, but since its not possible I suppose I’ll have to go with that way. Thanks