Animation of the image in frames

How to make an animation of the image in frames using the UX-markup?

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Do you have an example of what you want to achieve?

This should look like a gif-animation. It should be an animation of the sprites. Images change in timeline.

Perhaps it’s Timeline that you will want to use then. There’s not much else to suggest until you come back with at least some code where you’ve tried to implement your idea.

There are 10 frames of animation. It is necessary that every 0.2 seconds only one picture is displayed in turn. Animation should be repeated. How to do this with the help of timeline?

Images -

	<Image ux:Name="gear1" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_1.png" Opacity="1" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear2" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_2.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear3" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_3.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear4" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_4.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear5" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_5.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear6" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_6.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear7" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_7.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear8" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_8.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear9" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_9.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
	<Image ux:Name="gear10" File="Assets/images/Loader/gear_10.png" Opacity="0" Width="50" Height="46" />
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