I need your help for a tab bar menu :
<Grid ColumnData="1,1,1,1" Height="45" Dock="Bottom">
<Text ux:Class="TextBar" Alignment="BottomCenter" FontSize="12" TextColor="#ffffff"/>
<Image ux:Class="Icon" Margin="10,-20,10,10" />
<Panel Background="#34495e" >
<TextBar ux:Name="homeBar" Value="Messagers" />
<Set pages.Active="home" />
<Panel Background="#34495e" >
<TextBar ux:Name="videoBar" Value="Videos" />
<Set pages.Active="videos" />
<Panel Background="#34495e" >
<Icon File="Assets/audio-icon.png" />
<TextBar ux:Name="audioBar" Value="Audios" />
<Set pages.Active="audios" />
<Panel Background="#34495e" >
<TextBar ux:Name="newsBar" Value="Annonces" />
<Set pages.Active="news" />
I want the icon positionned above the tab bar, i tried negative margin but the tab bar hides the top part of the icon : (http://s15.postimg.org/vn1ni4vez/Capture_d_e_cran_2016_03_11_a_20_13_11.png)
Anyone has an idea, on css markup it could be achieved by absolute position and z-index.
Thank you.