Add action for keyboard return key


I would like to know how to make the return key on the keyboard to perform an action (and hide the keyboard).

I remember seeing it on the changelog some time ago but now i’m not able to find it.



You can use the ActionTriggered event to respons to the “action” key being pressed:

Something like:

<TextInput ActionTriggered="{jsFunction}" />

For other keys you can use the OnKeyPress trigger:

<OnKeyPress Key="... some key ...">
   ... do stuff ...


I tried it but and it works but it does not hide the keyboard when pressed (on iOS). Is there a way to hide it in the same action?

Can i change the “text” on the “action button” in the keyboard?

The keyboard stays open as long as the TextInput has focus. You can release it by using the ReleaseFocus action (

For chaning the text on the action button, you can use the ActionStyle property (

<TextInput ActionStyle="Next" />

It can be set to one of the following values:

  • Default
  • Done
  • Go
  • Next
  • Search
  • Send

As far as I know I cannot do the release focus in the JS side.

So how should I do it ? I’m quite lost with the: “whiletrue” / “set” / “change” … so on :slight_smile:

I guess it would be something like:

<TextInput ux:Name="UsernameInput" ActionStyle="Go" />
         <Callback Handler="{onLoginClick}" />

        <!-- How to release?? -->


ok… i got it… sorry :slight_smile:

<TextInput ux:Name="UsernameInput" ActionStyle="Go" />
             <Callback Handler="{onLoginClick}" />
             <ReleaseFocus />