If I have a Panel with a Width of 100% of the screen, how can I set the Height equals to the value of Width (I want a square Panel of 100% of screen width but the screen height of the devices are diferent).
If I have a Panel with a Width of 100% of the screen, how can I set the Height equals to the value of Width (I want a square Panel of 100% of screen width but the screen height of the devices are diferent).
There’s unfortunately no easy way to do this right now. You’ll have to use some Uno code, and likely a custom control to do the layout.
Can you give me an example of what you have now and tell me which part you’d like to have with a fixed aspect ratio? I can then maybe look at putting together an example for you.
But better make a simpler example instead of upload my project that have many things.
If you have time, how can I do something like this:
<Image ux:Name"MyImage" WidthUnit="Percent" Width="90" StretchMode="UniformToFill" />
How can in Uno make that the MyImage.Height = MyImage.Width?
I know this is out of date but maybe it will help other people who run into the problem. Here’s a solution that solves a similar problem, relying on a square transparent image to set the proper aspect ratio of the container (width=height) and then “floating” on top of it the actual content you want to display:
We’ve actually added an aspect layout option since then.
<Panel Width="100%" BoxSizing="FillAspect" Aspect="1">
The panel will be the same height as the width. The key bit is BoxSizing="FillAspect" Aspect="1"
which enables aspect based sizing (to fill the space that is has, or with an explicit width/height). The Aspect
is the X/Y
Nice. Keep up the good work!