Hi All,
I’m updated fuse to latest version. But appear Problem with me
in file XXX.ux
in file XXX.js
var scrapeed = Observable(false);
in action I need :
scrapeed.value = true;
module.exports = {
I’ve made sure that the value turns out scrapped from false to true .
but don’t raise “RaiseUserEvent” !
ALL of ( whiletrue , whilestring ) no longer works after downloading the latest update version of Fuse.
Please Help me to solve this problem ?
<Panel Padding="10" Dock="Right" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" >
<mifIcon FontSize="25" TextColor="#000" Value="" />
<Change cloose_btn_buyconfirm.Color="#f1f1f1" Duration="0.35" Easing="BackOut"/>
<RaiseUserEvent EventName="hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event" />
<Rectangle ux:Name="cloose_btn_buyconfirm" Color="#fff" CornerRadius="5" Layer="Background"></Rectangle>
<sep Layer="Background" Alignment="Bottom" Color="#dcdcdc"/>
<StackPanel Padding="5,5,5,20" Margin="0,10,0,0" ItemSpacing="10">
<notoRightGray Alignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextColor="#9c9c9c" FontSize="14" Value="Are you sure to scrape this card ?" />
<sep Color="#dcdcdc"/>
<notoRightGray Alignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextColor="#9c9c9c" FontSize="15" Value="Enter Number of Cards" />
<Grid CellSpacing="10" Alignment="Center" Columns="auto,50,auto">
<Circle Clicked="{decrease_quantity}" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" ux:Name="decrease_btn" Width="35" Height="35" Color="#9694a1" >
<mifIcon Alignment="Center" FontSize="20" TextColor="#fff" Value="" />
<DropShadow Size="3" Distance="1" Spread="0.05" Color="#aaa" Angle="90" />
<Change decrease_btn.Color="#6a6874" Duration="0.35" Easing="BackOut"/>
<TextInput InputHint="Phone" PlaceholderColor="#000" Font="noto" Margin="0,10,10,0" TextColor="#000" Alignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="19" Value="{number_card_scrape}" >
<WhileString Test="IsEmpty">
<Text TextColor="#9c9c9c" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="22" Alignment="Center">1</Text>
<Circle Clicked="{increase_quantity}" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" ux:Name="add_btn" Width="35" Height="35" Color="#9694a1" >
<mifIcon Alignment="Center" FontSize="20" TextColor="#fff" Value="" />
<DropShadow Size="3" Distance="1" Spread="0.05" Color="#aaa" Angle="90" />
<Change add_btn.Color="#6a6874" Duration="0.35" Easing="BackOut"/>
<sep Color="#dcdcdc"/>
<StackPanel >
<Grid Columns="1*" >
<Panel Padding="10,17" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" >
<Rectangle Color="#fff" CornerRadius="0,0,5,5" Layer="Background" ux:Name="send_numberr_buy_btn" />
<notoRightGray Alignment="Center" TextColor="#481251" Value="{scrapeed} +Submit" />
<Change send_numberr_buy_btn.Color="#f1f1f1" Duration="0.5" Easing="CircularInOut"/>
<Callback Handler="{scrape}"/>
<WhileTrue Value="{scrapeed}">
<RaiseUserEvent EventName="hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event" />
<WhileTrue Value="{scrapeing}">
<Text ux:Name="imgbuy1u2" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="20" Margin="0,20,0,20" TextColor="#999" Font="fa" Alignment="Center" Value=""></Text>
<Spin Target="imgbuy1u2" Frequency="0.5"/>
<Rectangle CornerRadius="5" Color="#fff" Layer="Background">
<DropShadow Size="3" Distance="2" Spread="0.05" Color="#444" Angle="90" />
var scrapeed = Observable(false);
function scrape() {
scrapeed.value = false;
scrapeing.value = true;
fetch(api + "method/ash7anly.api.scrape_?number_card_scrape=" + number_card_scrape.value + "&card=" + selected_card + "&sid=" + router.sid, {
method: 'GET',
body: null
}).then(function(response) {
scrapeing.value = false;
if (response.ok) {
scrapeed.value = true;
return response.json();
} else {
scrapeed.value = false;
}).then(function(responseObject) {
function hide_scrpe_confirm_card_model() {
show_scrpe_confirm_card.value = false;
You put the set value after return 
the code the be
if (response.ok) {
scrapeed.value = true;
return response.json(); // this line should be the last
} else {
scrapeed.value = false;
Also, are you sure that your response contains ok
value ?
Hi Ahmed,
No this has happened just when I copied an pasted my code here and remove not necessary code.
Surely this is self-evident : ) !
I put
“scrapeed.value = true;” before return . And I sure response contains ok.
Plus I put this after :
.then(function(responseObject) {
and here log my correct resopnse.
Here I put
" scrapeed.value = true;"
and in .ux apprare TRUE value Correctly . and print to me true .
My problem not here 
My problem is :
After scrapeed value become True . Any event inside “whileture” don’t raise it 
Like this .
Do you understand what I mean?
Thanks for reply and hope help me now.
Also important note,
Not only this function, In everywhere I used “whileture”.
Unfortunately, That All my code run with this problem just after I updated Fuse to the lastest version.
Before updated. All code runs correctly.

See Scrapeed value printed beside “Submit”. This is correct. but when value become True any event in ( Whiletrue for this variable) don’t raise 
if you’d like to raise an event you have to use the following code from JS and WhileTrue will never fire 
only this code is needed after/before the scrapeed.value = true
Thanx Ahmad, but I need to do it in WhileTrue “.ux” Not in JS 
Here :
<WhileTrue Value="{scrapeed}">
<RaiseUserEvent EventName="hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event" />
<OnUserEvent EventName="hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event" Handler="{hide_scrpe_confirm_card_model}"/>
Because in case I will use it in " .JS", I will have to rework a lot 
Why “RaiseUserEvent” don’t work ??
No way to raise event without method “raise” in you case
can be called from Triggers
types only, not while-* family
Hi Ahmed,
No, you can do it. Look at this example I do it and try it.
RaiseUserEvent can be called from WhileTrue.
The code attached Here :
But my problem seems at the structure of paging & Navigator & where I put userEvent.
Yes, you are right
But its not the correct way as the WhileTrue is not intended to fire events 
I guess that you have fixed your problem by using hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event.raise()
Unfortunately, This is "hide_scrpe_confirm_card_event.raise() " don’t solve my problem.
Thanks for reply Ahmad