Video duration log flood command line


this is a minor thing, but still a bit annoying. Would be nice to get MediaPlayer cleaned from debug messages for the next version. :slight_smile:

Currently if I have a video in Android my cmd is flooded with

10-14 09:53:48.016 23343 23343 V MediaPlayer: getDuration_l

10-14 09:53:48.016 23343 23343 V MediaPlayer-JNI: getDuration: 21568 (msec)

10-14 09:53:48.026 23343 23343 V MediaPlayer: getDuration_l

10-14 09:53:48.026 23343 23343 V MediaPlayer-JNI: getDuration: 21568 (msec)

10-14 09:53:48.026 23343 23343 V MediaPlayer-JNI: getCurrentPosition: 8490 (msec)


What device is this? This is debug messages from the video implementation in android and not fuse. I have only seen this on LG devices. Really annoying

Wow really. That’s fucked up. I have Samsung S7

Yeah some devices are spammy :frowning:

As a workaround you could at least pipe your output through grep, if your’re running from the command line. For instance:

fuse preview -tandroid |grep -v MediaPlayer