Using Variable as Target


Within the loop, I am wanting to use a variable as the Target for the Change Animation. I have an Observable in JS that is updated to change the Physics of a Draggable Panel and the Forcefields around it.

<Panel Width='50' Height='30' Background='White'>
    <Draggable Axis='Y'/>
        <Set this.Background='#333' />
    <Each Items="{makeAttract}">
        <InForceFieldAnimation ForceField="{forcefield}" From="0" To="1">
            <Change Target="{theTarget}" Value='100'/>
            <Change container.Y='-8'/>
            <EnteredForceField ForceField="{forcefield}">
                <Set newText.Value='{value}'/>

var makeAttract = [
                    forcefield: "attract1",
                    theTarget: "box1.Height",
                    text:"This is some text"
                    forcefield: "attract2",
                    theTarget: "box2.Height",
                    text:"This is some text"
                    forcefield: "attract3",
                    theTarget: "box3.Height,
                    text:"This is some text"

Thank You

Hi Sergio,

is there a chance we could get a complete reproduction to play with? I have a few ideas to try, but can’t do so without seeing how the rest of the app looks like.

Hi Uldis,

The concept of this part of the App is to add an item to a list while dragging the Add button into the List as seen in the Screen Capture.

The code is Below.

      <Panel Background="#000">
			var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');

			var makeAttract = Observable();

			var makeAttract = [
			                    forcefield: "attract1",
			                    theTarget: "box1",
			                    text:"This is some text"
			                    forcefield: "attract2",
			                    theTarget: "box2",
			                    text:"This is some text"
			                    forcefield: "attract3",
			                    theTarget: "box3",
			                    text:"This is some text"

			module.exports = {
			    makeAttract: makeAttract

		<Grid Rows="50,1*,50">
			<Panel Color="#333" Height="50">
				<Text Value="Drag New Item to List" FontSize="22"
					  Alignment="Center" TextColor="#fff"/>

				<Panel Width='50' Height='30' Background='White' Alignment="BottomCenter">
			        <Draggable Axis='Y'/>
			        <Text Value="+" Alignment="Center"/>
							Once Released, Update the Loop and JSON to include changes
			        <Each Items="{makeAttract}">
			            <InForceFieldAnimation ForceField="{forcefield}" From="0" To="1">
			                <Change Target="{theTarget}" Value='100'/>
			                <Change container.Y='-8'/>
			                <EnteredForceField ForceField="{forcefield}">
			                    <Set newText.Value='{value}'/>

						<InForceFieldAnimation  ForceField="attract1" From="0" To="1">
			            <Change box1.Height='100'/>
			            <Change container.Y='-8'/>
			            <EnteredForceField ForceField="attract1">
			                <Set newText.Value='ONE'/>

			        <InForceFieldAnimation  ForceField="attract2" From="0" To="1">
			            <Change box2.Height='100'/>
			            <Change container.Y='-8'/>
			            <EnteredForceField ForceField="attract2">
			                <Set newText.Value='TWO'/>

			        <InForceFieldAnimation  ForceField="attract3" From="0" To="1">
			            <Change box3.Height='100'/>
			            <Change container.Y='-8'/>
			            <EnteredForceField ForceField="attract3">
			                <Set newText.Value='THREE'/>

				    <Text ux:Name='newText' Value='Start' Alignment='BottomCenter' />

				<StackPanel Opacity="0">
				    <Panel Width='50%' Height='50' Background='Green' Opacity='0.25' >
				    <Panel Width='50%' Height='100' Background='Yellow' Opacity='0.25' >
				        <PointAttractor ux:Name="attract1" Radius="50" Strength="100" />
				    <Panel Width='50%' Height='100' Background='Blue' Opacity='0.25' >
				        <PointAttractor ux:Name="attract2" Radius="50" Strength="100" />
				    <Panel Width='50%' Height='100' Background='Red' Opacity='0.25' >
				        <PointAttractor ux:Name="attract3" Radius="50" Strength="100" />
				    <Panel Width='50%' Height='100' Background='Black' Opacity='0.25' >

				<StackPanel ux:Name='container' >

				    <Panel Width='100%' Height='100' Background='Blue'>

				        <Panel ux:Name='box1' Width='100%' Height='0' Background='Black'>

				    <Panel Width='100%' Height='100' Background='Red'>

				        <Panel ux:Name='box2' Width='100%' Height='0' Background='Black'>

				    <Panel Width='100%' Height='100' Background='Yellow'>

				        <Panel ux:Name='box3' Width='100%' Height='0' Background='Black'>

				    <Panel Width='100%' Height='100' Background='Green'>


			<Panel Height="50" Color="#999" Alignment="Bottom">
				<Text Value="Click and Drag the White panel to Add to list" TextColor="#fff" Alignment="Center" />

Not Sure why the code is not showing correctly.

but it should have the App => Panel => Javascript part in the Beginning

Alright, this at least explains what you are trying to do.

Having spent a good while with your code, it’s a bit sad to give you a blunt answer to the original question: you can’t.

Frankly, the approach you’ve taken to implement that dragging functionality is not the right one. And I’m afraid currently there isn’t a single straight-forward approach you could take to get this done.

To leave you with something, let me share a bit of a “drag to reorder” code that I’ve been working on recently; it involves the recently introduced IdentityKey property on Each. Maybe this will give you more ideas you could try:

	<Panel Background="#000">
		var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');
		var targets = Observable(
			{color: "#18f"},
			{color: "#f81"},
			{color: "#1f8"}
		var indexed =, index) {
			return {color: item.color, index: index};

		var reordering = false;
		var lastIndex = null;

		function hovering(args) {
			if (reordering && ( != lastIndex)) {

		function startReorder() {
			reordering = true;

		function stopReorder() {
			reordering = false;

		function insertPlaceholder(idx) {
			lastIndex = idx;
			targets.removeWhere(function(x) {
				return x.color == "#fff5";
			targets.insertAt(idx, {color: "#fff5"})

		function putPlaceholderInPlace() {
			var tmp = targets.toArray();
			tmp.forEach(function(x) {
				if (x.color == "#fff5") x.color = "#fff";

		module.exports = {
			targets: indexed,
			hovering: hovering,
			startReorder: startReorder,
			stopReorder: stopReorder
		<Grid Rows="50,1*,50">
			<Panel />
			<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
					<Callback Handler="{stopReorder}" />
				<StackPanel ux:Name="List">
					<Each Items="{targets}" IdentityKey="color">
						<Panel ux:Name="item" Height="100" Color="{color}">
								<Callback Handler="{hovering}" />
								<Move RelativeTo="PositionChange" Vector="1" Duration="0.16" />
					<Panel Width="50" Height="30" Background="White" Alignment="BottomCenter" Layer="Overlay">
							<Callback Handler="{startReorder}" />
						<Text Value="+" Alignment="Center"/>
			<Panel />

Thanks again for the response, will look through the code this evening and work from there.

Good to know that i was on the wrong direction and always great to hear that earlier than later, will keep you posted on progress.

Been working through the code you sent, I understand your process and concept and so far it seems to be a great foundation to work on, starting to see results with it already.

Thank you.