I tried sending some data to a page using router.push but I keep on getting errors
Here is my code
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var student = Observable("");
var password = Observable("");
var matric_no = Observable("");
var result = Observable("");
var sqlite = require("SQLite");
var db = sqlite.openFromBundle("result.db");
function Login(arg){
var data = arg.data;
var std_pass = data.password.value;
var std_matric = data.matric_no.value;
if(std_pass == '' || std_matric == ''){
debug_log('Please fill all fields');
var get_ = db.query("select * from student_info where matric_no = ? and password = ?", std_matric, std_pass);
result.value = get_;
student = result.value;
if(result.value != ''){
router.push('mainpage',student); //Here is where i am getting the error from
debug_log("No user found");
The concept is ,it is a login page whereby at a successful login, informations are being retrieved from the database and sent to the main page for further use but it is not routing with the data. So I tried to do it this
Because I dont want the user to return to the login page but below is the error I got
LOG: InternalError: No router outlet found to handle route: Fuse.Navigation.Route in Fuse.Navigation.Router, Name: router<C:\Users\OMOLEWA\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Navigation\0.43.11$.uno:2804>
LOG: Error: Unable to navigate to route: mainpage?[{“fname”:“Stephen”,“id”:“1”,“matric_no”:“2014235020035”,“password”:“2014235020035”,“surname”:“Omolewa”}]/ in Fuse.Navigation.Router, Name: router<C:\Users\OMOLEWA\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Navigation\0.43.11$.uno:2783>
the error Unable to navigate to route is thrown because your router can not locate a page on the top navigation level that would have a ux:Name="mainpage". Either you simply don’t have one there, or you have it some levels deeper.
Note that push and goto accepts full paths, like so: router.push("mainpage", {}, "subpage1", {}, "subpage2", {});.
Thanks for your help. I was able to correct the router but right now the data I sent to the page which are to be retrieved using this.Parameter seems not to hold no value.
var std_info = this.Parameter;
How can I make this work and how can I get individual values in it so as to use in the current page.
You’re saying that it holds no value, but you are not showing any of your code that makes you draw the conclusion. How are we expected to help?
this.Parameter is an implicit Observable. As such, it is populated asynchronously, and you MAY NOT access it in procedural style.
var std_info = this.Parameter;
// CAN NOT do this:
// console.log(JSON.stringify(std_info));
// CAN DO this:
var surname = std_info.map(function(x) {
return x.surname;
The surname variable will get the respective value from parameter when its value eventually changes.
I suggest you give a good read the section about Observables.
If you say the student variable looks that way, then it is an array that holds a single object. You should instead pass just the object to the other page, so your code should read: router.goto("home", student[0]);.
That, however, presumes that you’ll always get some result back from sqlite, which might not always be the case, so you should add some if/else checking in there.