Ticket-Scroll Example ScrollView

Hi. I was trying make an app based on ticket-scroll example.
I changed little bit with my own code, but did not really change anything in MainView.ux. I almost successfully got what I wanted but need little help with it. I only want to see the the ‘basic amount’ part and ‘Add item part’… I can’t scroll all the way up to the point where I can cover the ticketInfo part completely…

I will attach MainView.ux Source and screenshot of my app… Thank you for your help and interest.
And just forget the other language you see… Thank you

![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/VDJMH1AOXMJf-image-1485855369559.33.27 PM.png)![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/aIqg22GL1Evr-image-1485855369562.33.31 PM.png)

	<Fuse.iOS.StatusBarConfig Style="Light" />
	<DockPanel Color="#263238">


		<Panel Color="White">
					<Panel Height="360" />
						<DockPanel Color="White" >
							<RandomNumber />

						<ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="150">
							<Move Target="info" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size"/>
						<ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="130">
							<Move Target="infoContent" Y="0.5" RelativeTo="Size" />
							<Change Target="infoContent.Opacity" Value="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>

						<ScrollingAnimation From="150" To="240">
							<Move Target="ticket" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size"/>

						<ScrollingAnimation From="150" To="220">
							<Move Target="ticketContent" Y="0.4" RelativeTo="ParentSize" />
							<Move Target="stripedLine" Y="-0.05" RelativeTo="ParentSize" RelativeNode="ticket"/>
							<Change ticketContent.Opacity="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>
							<Change stripedLine.Opacity="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>

						<ScrollingAnimation From="220" To="370">
							<Move Target="trip" Y="-150" />


			<Text ux:Class="T" Color="LightGray" Alignment="CenterLeft"/>
			<Grid ux:Name="ticketInfo" Rows="150,80,130" Alignment="Top" >
				<Panel ux:Name="trip" >
					<HorizontalStripedLine ux:Name="stripedLine" NSegments="25" Padding="25,0" Alignment="Bottom"/>
					<Grid RowCount="4" Columns="60,1*" Color="TicketPurple" Padding="20">
						<Image File="Icons/arrow.png" Alignment="CenterLeft" Width="30">
							<Rotation Degrees="180" />
						</Image> <T Value="Fri 15 May 2015"  FontSize="22"/>
						<T Value="Dep." Color="LightGrayFaded" FontSize="12"/> <T Value="11:07 Manchester Piccadilly" />
						<T Value="Arr." Color="LightGrayFaded" FontSize="12"/> <T Value="14:35 London King`s Cross" />
						<Panel /> <T FontSize="14" Color="LightGray" Value="Duration: 3hr 28m Changes: 2" />

				<Panel ux:Name="ticket" Color="TicketPurple">

					<Grid Columns="40,1*" Padding="15" ux:Name="ticketContent">
						<Flag Height="15" Width="20" Alignment="TopLeft"/>
								<Text Value="ABX456789" Color="LightGray"/>
								<Text Value="&#163; 87.60" Color="LightGray" Dock="Right"/>
							<Text Value="Your ticket is ready for collection." Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12" Margin="0,5,0,0"/>
							<Text Value="Find out how" Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12"/>
				<Panel ux:Name="info" Color="LightGray">
					<Panel ux:Name="infoContent">
						<Panel Alignment="TopRight" Margin="15">
							<Text Value="1st" Color="LightGray" Alignment="Center" FontSize="13"/>
							<Rectangle Color="TicketPurple" CornerRadius="10" Height="20" Width="40"/>
						<StackPanel Padding="20">
							<Text Value="Anytime Return" FontSize="15"/>

							<Text Value="2 Adults 1 Child" FontSize="14" Margin="0,10,0,0"/>
							<Text Value="1 Senior Railcard 1 Annual Gold Card" FontSize="14"/>

							<Text Value="Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable." Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12" Margin="0,10,0,0"/>
							<Text Value="Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee."      Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12"/>

		<Rectangle ux:Name="sidebarFade" Layer="Overlay" Color="#0005" Opacity="0" HitTestMode="None" />
		<StackPanel Dock="Top" Color="#2196F3">
			<Shadow Size="3" Distance="1" />
			<StatusBarBackground />
			<Panel Height="56">
				<Hamburger Alignment="Left">
						<NavigateToggle Target="sidebar" />
