textinput display value not updated

I doubt this is a bug as I’m still very new to fuse. I have a state group with three states – one for a start button, one to accept user input and one to display a response to the input. Seems like a common pattern I can use for a lot of things. To make life easy I have one variable called "guess’ that is the subject of the input. When the user selects play again I have a callback to a start method that resets guess to zero. It never resets and always just displays whatever was last entered. I then added a callback to the start of the start state to reset the value and that did not reset the value either. I have logged output to the console each time and the log shows the value being reset every time. I suspect I am doing something wrong with the callback request and I do not have the right scope for the variable. Code is attached below as well as the javascript file. Thanks in advance for any help.


    <JavaScript File="MainView.js" />
                        <!-- Subclassing TextInput -->
                        <TextInput ux:Class="MyTextInput" FontSize="20" PlaceholderColor="#ccc" Padding="5" CaretColor="Black" MaxLength="7">
                            <Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="3">
                                    <Stroke Width="1" Color="#ccc" />
                                <SolidColor Color="Yellow" />

                            <StateGroup ux:Name="stateGroup">
                                <State ux:Name="startState">
                                    <Callback Handler="{start}" />
                                    <Change startPanel.Visibility="Visible"/>
                                    <Change getInput.Visibility="Hidden" />
                                    <Change responsePanel.Visibility="Hidden" />
                                <State ux:Name="getInputState">
                                    <Change getInput.Visibility="Visible" />
                                    <Change startPanel.Visibility="Hidden"/>
                                    <Change responsePanel.Visibility="Hidden"/>
                                <State ux:Name="responseState">
                                    <Change getInput.Visibility="Hidden"/>
                                    <Change startPanel.Visibility="Hidden"/>
                                    <Change responsePanel.Visibility="Visible"/>

                        <!-- Display Start Button, once clicked change state to get input -->
                             <Panel ux:Name="startPanel" Width="150" Height="150" Visibility="Visible" Alignment="Center">
                                <SolidColor ux:Name="someColor"/>
                                <Text Value="Start" Alignment="Center" FontSize="24" TextColor="Black" />
                                    <Set stateGroup.Active="getInputState"/>
                                        <Scale Factor=".50" Duration=".10" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />

                        <!-- Obtain input guess, once clicked change state to display response -->

                        <StackPanel ux:Name="getInput" Color="Yellow" Visibility="Hidden" Alignment="Center">
                                <Text Value="Guess: " FontSize="24" Color="Black" Alignment="Center"/>
                                <Rectangle Alignment="Center" Color="Red" >
                                    <MyTextInput Value="{guess}" TextColor="Blue" PlaceholderText="Enter Value Here" InputHint="Integer" />

                            <Rectangle Alignment="Center" Color="Green" Height="75" Width="75">
                                <Text Value="SUBMIT" Color="White" />
                                    <Set stateGroup.Active="responseState"/>
                                    <Scale Factor=".50" Duration=".10" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />

                        <!-- Respond to the guess -->
                        <Panel ux:Name="responsePanel" Width="150" Height="150" Visibility="Hidden">
                                <SolidColor Color="Blue" />
                                <Button Text="Play Again">
                                        <DebugAction Message="Heading to Start" />
                                        <Callback Handler="{start}" />
                                        <Set stateGroup.Active="startState"/>
                                        <Scale Factor=".50" Duration=".10" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />

var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');

var guess = Observable()

function start() {
    console.log("in start")
    guess = 0
    console.log("Value of Guess ==> ", guess)


module.exports = {
        guess : guess,
        start : start

You need to use guess.value for get and set the value of the Observable, check this link.

Very sorry for my question – I knew that. My problem is I only work on this an hour or so every day so I forget stuff like that. Thanks for your quick reply.