Sketch file import error

I receive an error after trying to import a sketch file. Here are my steps:

  1. Drop sketch file into project directory
  2. Drag sketch file into Preview window
  3. Answer “No”, when asked if I want to overwrite the main App class of the project.
  4. Popup message instantly says: “Import failed. An error occurred. See the console output for more information.”

I’ve looked at XCode, Fuse Dashboard log, and the Fuse Monitor, but cannot find the error listed anywhere. Where can I view the console output for more info?

Hey John,

If you run the importer step via the command line (CMD on Windows, Terminal on OS X), you can see that output. The term “console” is needlessly ambiguous in this case, apologies. :slight_smile:

Also, if it’s possible, we’d love to take a look at the Sketch file in question to see if there’s anything that’s beeing handled incorrectly in the importer step. If you don’t want to share it publicly, you can upload it directly to the Fuse development team only by using this Dropbox link:

Hey Bent,

Thanks for your quick reply. I just uploaded the Sketch file to your Dropbox. I ran it through the terminal, and after typing “fuse import Loginv01.sketch”, the following outpur error:

Unhandled Exception: SketchImporter.UserException: fuse import is unable to import your Sketch file due to an internal error. See above output for more information. at SketchImporter.Program.ProcessSketchFile (System.String sketchFile, System.String resPath, System.String appPath, System.Double[] densities) [0x00000] in :0 at SketchImporter.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0 [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: SketchImporter.UserException: fuse import is unable to import your Sketch file due to an internal error. See above output for more information. at SketchImporter.Program.ProcessSketchFile (System.String sketchFile, System.String resPath, System.String appPath, System.Double[] densities) [0x00000] in :0 at SketchImporter.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0 fuse: Import failed: An error occurred

Thanks, we’ll take a look and see if anything sticks out!

Okay, so it looks like your Sketch-file is made with Sketch 3.5, but your your system has an older version of sketchtool which isn’t compatible with it (sketchtool is a command-line tool that ships with Sketch).

So either you’ve made the Sketch-file on a different computer than the one you’re running Fuse on, or you don’t have the latest Sketch version installed. Updating Sketch will also update sketchtool - try to do that and re-run the importer to see if that takes care of the issue. :slight_smile: