Simple News App

Hi im new to mobile app development and bumped into fuse and i like wow!!! already tried some like Android Studio, Swift…Meteor but my brain cant handle it hahaha

anyway…im trying to make simple news app…

  1. website already there, i create simple API data…
  2. Retrieve the data on app via json
  3. create list page and detail page (and navogation there)

everything works fine…(not really so many thing i dont add and know yet) but

  1. when open detail page, because the text is so long…it sooooo slow to scroll…
  2. when i reached bottom text…click back, goto list view…click another news…and the scroll view stays on the bottom…

can someone help me or have sample for simple news app??? many thanks…

you can donwload all file here

Hi arimpranata,

we have a news feed app in our examples, too. It only covers a part of what you say you have already implemented, so it probably won’t be of big help, but will at least help you validate your approach.

As for the 2 issues you outlined:

  1. Slow scrolling: you should split large articles in paragraphs (in an array in JavaScript) and stitch them back together using Each inside of a StackPanel or WrapPanel. Rendering and animating large Text elements is expensive.
  2. ScrollView stays at the bottom: since Fuse reuses page templates, it’s expected behaviour. You could add some code to the single-article-page that explicitly tells the ScrollView to go up, like so:
    <Set theArticleContainer.ScrollPosition="0,0" />
<ScrollView ux:Name="theArticleContainer">