hello, i’m very happy with fuse.
this is only my own opinion
After making out apk, we can easy to extract apk as zip then open folder: “assets”, there are many plain text js in there without encryption or obfuscation. so our functions, encode key,secret key,api,resful url… will be read very easy.
I think fuse framework can easy to encrypt them (when makeing out apk) and decrypt in runtime
You can try to obfuscate your JS code with a tool of your choice, but we don’t provide any support on that or guarantees that this will work.
As for the concerns you’re raising:
No secret keys should be stored in code. Opt for OAuth2-style authentication when possible.
Anyone who knows how to decompile APKs will also know how to sniff traffic, so your API URLs aren’t safe anyway.
Sure, I’m using OAuth2-style and https, but i think fusetools framework can encrypt/decrypt js file with own algorithm, noone or very hard to decrypt.
thank you.
If that’s a question, then: currently there are no plans to implement an internal obfuscator.
Yes, only internal obfuscator of fuse-framework can protect js code up to 100%, any online/private/pro tool to obfuscator js can be deobfuscator easy.
thank you again.
I have the same concerns regarding including sensitive data on unprotected code. So, i have this question: What if we store some values inside a uno class? Can the strings in the code generated on the uno class be readable?
I was trying to see if this approach will work. But to be sure, i think we need to use some kind of encryption inside my uno class, but with no luck yet. I will try to wrap Themis if i found enough time. But i think that if i use that solution, my app will not work on the simulator, so, that’s holding me to go further. By now, my class looks like this
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Scripting;
using Uno.UX;
using Uno.Collections;
public class Secure: NativeModule
static readonly Secure _instance;
public Secure()
if (_instance != null) return;
Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance, "Secure");
AddMember(new NativeFunction("GetParam", (NativeCallback)GetParam));
static Dictionary<string, string> loadValues() {
Dictionary<string, string> values = new Dictionary<string, string>();
values.Add("service_endpoint", "http://service.endpoint.domain/api/v2/");
values.Add("api_key", "3287498jdaksjnddaih93hd3iu=");
return values;
static object GetParam(Context c, object[] args) {
Dictionary<string, string> values = loadValues();
string Param = (string)args[0];
string _value = "";
if (values.ContainsKey(Param)) {
_value = values[Param];
return _value;
To use this class i just need to add this on the .ux file
<Secure ux:Global="secure" />
And from JS, for example, i can get the API endpoint like this
var Secure = require("secure");
var api_endopint = Secure.GetParam("service_endpoint");
The code above works and now, i don’t have sensitive data inside the JS files. But i think i need some kind of encryption inside the uno class to really secure the contents. it’s just a proof of concept. I’ll continue checking other options. Feel free to suggest
wow, storing sensitive values inside uno class is a great way, they will be native code inside apk and can be protected by proguard, thank you a lot !!!