The ScrollView always goes back to the initial position.
The ScrollView consists of several items, and it should be possible to scroll through all the items. When my finger leaves the Touchscreen, the ScrollView directly goes back to the top, so it’s nearly impossible to see all listitems…
(nearly the same “architecture” of code is working in another app…)
Here’s the .*ux code of this app:
<JavaScript File="parse-1.5.0.min.js" ux:Global="Parse"/>
<JavaScript File="MainView.js"/>
<StatusBarBackground Dock="Top" />
<BottomFrameBackground Dock="Bottom" />
<Grid RowCount="4" Rows="1*,1*,7*,1*">
<Grid ColumnCount="3" ColumnData="4*,2*,4*" Margin="5, 15, 5, 5">
<Text Value="Team1" TextAlignment="Left" />
<Text Value="Tisch" TextAlignment="Center" />
<Text Value="Team2" TextAlignment="Right" />
<Rectangle Width="1000" Height="1">
<SolidColor Color="0.04, 0.05, 0.09, 1" />
<ScrollView Margin="5,5,5,5">
<Each Items="{currentGames}">
<Grid ColumnCount="3" ColumnData="4*,2*,4*" Margin="5, 0, 5, 0" Padding="0">
<Text Value="{player1Name}" TextAlignment="Left" />
<Text Value="{tableNumber}" TextAlignment="Center" />
<Text Value="{player3Name}" TextAlignment="Right" />
<Button Text="REFRESH" Margin="5, 20, 5, 10" Clicked="{refresh}"/>
<Grid ColumnCount="2" ColumnData="Auto, Auto" Margin="5,5,5,20">
<Text Value="Follow playerID: " TextAlignment="Left" Alignment="CenterLeft" Margin="5, 0, 0, 0" />
<TextInput Alignment="Bottom" Margin="0, 15, 0, 0" />
<Text Value="Followed player on: " Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="5, 15, 0, 0" />
<Text Value="currently no match" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="5, 15, 5, 0" />
currentGames is my list of items - from Parse.