Scrolled To End display a loading indicator

How to bring the loading when it reaches the endpoints list?
I’m from Russia, sorry for the translation.

<ScrollView SnapMinTransform="false">
			<Each Items="{posts}">
							<Product Title="{title}" Unit="12" Identifier="2" Price="1000" />
	<Scrolled To="End" Within="100">
		<Callback Handler="{loadpost}" />

Hi Ybiza,

your question is so general that it’s hard to provide a simple answer or a straight-forward solution. For working with dynamic ScrollView contents, you might want to take a look at this example.

As for the code you posted, here’s a general approach that should get you started in the right direction:

        var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

        var posts = Observable();
        var isLoading = Observable(false);

        function loadpost() {
            isLoading.value = true;
            doSomethingSlow().then(function(x) {
                isLoading.value = false;
            }).catch(function(e) {
                isLoading.value = false;

        function doSomethingSlow() {
            var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                // fetch stuff, then resolve
                // or if something bad happens, reject
                // reject("some error");
            return p;

        module.exports = {
            posts: posts,
            loadpost: loadpost,
            isLoading: isLoading

    <ScrollView SnapMinTransform="false">
                <Each Items="{posts}">
                                <Product Title="{title}" Unit="12" Identifier="2" Price="1000" />
                <WhileTrue Value="{isLoading}">
                    <!-- show a loading indicator at the bottom of the list -->
        <Scrolled ux:Name="atEnd" To="End" Within="100">
            <Callback Handler="{loadpost}" />

Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I will definitely take Your advice.