Rectangle Background and property


Basically I want to have the app color palette in a separate file:

  <float4 ux:Key="appBckColor"       ux:Value="#fcfaf0" /> <!-- Light yellow    -->
  <float4 ux:Key="mainColor"         ux:Value="#0C63BE" /> <!-- Blue            -->

Works fine except with Rectangle background color.

If I have this:

<Rectangle Background="#0C63BE"  >
  <Text FontSize="20" Color="#fff" Value="Title" />

I get the correct layout I want:

Then I change UX so the background color comes from mainColor resource:

<Rectangle Background="{Resource mainColor}" >
  <Text FontSize="20"  Color="#fff" Value="Title" />

Then the background color is not assigned:

So I tried with the Color property instead, but I have an unexpected result:

<Rectangle Color="{Resource mainColor}" >
  <Text FontSize="20"  Color="#fff" Value="Title" />

Is this some kind of bug?