Hey Guys,
I’ve been struggling the past couple of days trying to figure out the navigator, router and flow of data. Right now I’m running into a weird problem trying to pass an argument through as a parameter as I instantiate a new page with the navigator. Feels like I’m just doing something weird, but I can’t figure it out.
Instead of the argument coming through in this.Parameter, it appears to be coming through in something called “raw parameter” that isn’t documented anywhere that I could easily find.
My function called with a Click="{goToDetails}". Upon debugging the argument here has my data that I want to pass through.
![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/0Enq9PsrpcSV-image-1473929020854.35.28 AM.png)
Then upon instantiating the new page, this.Parameter is empty while _raw_parameter has the data that I wanted to pass through.
![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/ozTjkYFdCU3L-image-1473929163566.36.29 AM.png)
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?