Passing a Resource value to JS and back?

Hello Fuse team,

I’m working on a custom UI component that works exactly like the Android Floating Action Buttons Menu, but I want it to be flexible enough so that I can pass a Javascript object to it so it will populate the menu with the sub-buttons I pass to it.

So far I have the current setup:


function FloatingButton(label, color, icon) {
	this.label = label;
	this.color = color;
	this.icon = icon;

var DefaultFloatingButtonsList = Observable(
	new FloatingButton("Delete", "{Resource brightRed}", "{Resource DeleteIcon}"),
	new FloatingButton("Download", "{Resource brightYellow}", "{Resource DownloadIcon}"),
	new FloatingButton("Preview", "{Resource mediumPurple}", "{Resource PreviewIcon}")



<Panel ux:Class="TWAndroidFloatingMenu" ButtonsList="{DefaultFloatingButtonsList}" Alignment="BottomRight" Margin="24">
    <object ux:Property="ButtonsList" />
        <Each Items="{Property this.ButtonsList}">
                <Circle Color="{color}" Width="32" Height="32">
                    <Icon24 Value="{icon}" Color="#FFF" Alignment="Center" />
                <Text Value="{label}" Color="#000" Alignment="Left" />

As you can tell from the Javascript I can’t set the color and icon in my FloatingButton object because they get interpreted as strings when I read them back with {color} and {icon}. I also tried changing the value of icon in JS FloatingButton object to the Unicode character of the icon font but that gets interpreted as a string as well.

Is there any way to do pass these Resource strings to JS and back to UX? Is there a better design for my reusable component?


Hey, Fernando. I tried hacking away at a solution with the code that you provided above, and I had no luck with achieving what you were hoping for. I think the problem is that properties from the context object will only be interpolated once. So where you have the {color} binding Fuse literally replaces that with a string {Resource brightRed}, but then doesn’t do anything else with that value. However there is what’s called a DataToResource binding: On that page there is a snippet that gives an example:

<FileImageSource ux:Key="picture" File="Pictures/Picture1.jpg" />
    module.exports = {
        picture: "picture"
<Image Source="{DataToResource picture}" />

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your help, however I wasn’t able to get the code to work in my project, for reasons I cannot understand. I am running Fuse 0.24 on a brand new install of Windows 10, so it’s not a case of running uno clean (although I did).

My best guess is that this code [] that allows me to list my Resources in a single file and import them into MainView is doing something to the resources and breaking it. But I haven’t had any trouble with it before, to be honest.

Here is the full code to my class as it is:


<Panel ux:Class="TWAndroidFloatingMenu" ButtonsList="{DefaultFloatingButtonsList}" Alignment="BottomRight" Margin="24">
	<object ux:Property="ButtonsList" />
	var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

	var isOpen = Observable(false);
	var itemCountDelay = Observable(0);

	function increaseItemCount()
		itemCountDelay += 0.2;

	function toggleOpen() {
		isOpen.value = !isOpen.value;

	module.exports = {
		isOpen : isOpen,
		toggleOpen : toggleOpen,
		itemCountDelay : itemCountDelay,
		increaseItemCount : increaseItemCount
	<Circle Width="48" Height="48" Color="{roxo00}" ux:Name="MainFloatingButton" Alignment="BottomRight">
		<Icon24 Value="{CloseIcon}" Alignment="Center" Color="{branco}" ux:Name="MainIcon"/>
			<Callback Handler="{toggleOpen}" />

	<Panel ux:Name="Submenu" Alignment="BottomRight">
		<Translation RelativeTo="Size" RelativeNode="MainFloatingButton" Y="-1" />
		<Translation X="-8" />
		<!-- SubMenuItem Class -->
		<StackPanel ux:Class="SubMenuItem" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="100%" ItemIcon="{icon}" ItemColor="{color}" ItemLabel="{label}" IsOpen="false" ux:Name="_thisSubMenu">
			<float4 ux:Property="ItemColor" />
			<string ux:Property="ItemIcon" />
			<string ux:Property="ItemLabel" />
			<bool ux:Property="IsOpen" />

			<WhileFalse Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.IsOpen}">
				<Move RelativeTo="Size" Y="1" Duration="1" DurationBack="0.3" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicIn" Delay="{itemCountDelay}"/>

			<Rectangle CornerRadius="2" Color="{branco}" Padding="4" Margin="0,0,6,0" ux:Name="Label">
				<WhileFalse Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.IsOpen}">
					<Move X="1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="0.3" DurationBack="0.3" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicInOut" />
					<Change Target="Label.Opacity" Value="0" Duration="0.5" DurationBack="0.5" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicInOut"/>
				<Text Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemLabel}" Alignment="Center" Color="{preto}" FontSize="13" />

			<Circle Color="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemColor}" Width="32" Height="32">
				<Icon24 Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemIcon}" Color="{branco}" Alignment="Center" />
		<StackPanel Alignment="BottomRight">
			<Each Items="{Property this.ButtonsList}">
				<Panel Alignment="CenterRight" Margin="0,6,0,6" MinHeight="32">
					<WhileFalse Value="{isOpen}">
						<Change Target="MainIcon.Value" Value="{EditIcon}"/>
						<Change Target="Submenu.Opacity" Value="0" Duration="0.1" DurationBack="0.5" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicIn"/>

					<!-- Print the Item -->
					<SubMenuItem ItemIcon="{icon}" ItemColor="{color}" ItemLabel="{label}" IsOpen="{isOpen}"/>
	<DropShadow Distance="2" Spread="0.1" Color="#0004" />

Here’s how my Icons and Colors are defined (snippets)


<ResourceContainer ux:Class="CoresInclude">
	<!-- Azuis -->
	<float4 ux:Value="#0D1C2F" ux:Global="azul03" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#1A385D" ux:Global="azul02" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#26548B" ux:Global="azul01" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#3370BA" ux:Global="azul00" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#6694CB" ux:Global="azul10" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#99B8DD" ux:Global="azul20" />
	<float4 ux:Value="#CCDBEE" ux:Global="azul30" />


<ResourceContainer ux:Class="IconesInclude">
	<!--Icons -->
	<string ux:Value="&#xE147;" ux:Global="AddMarkerIcon" />
	<string ux:Value="&#xE560;" ux:Global="AnnotationsIcon" />
	<string ux:Value="&#xE226;" ux:Global="AttachIcon" />
	<string ux:Value="&#xE5C4;" ux:Global="BackIcon" />
	<string ux:Value="&#xE24D;" ux:Global="FileIcon" />


function FloatingButton(label, color, icon) {
	this.label = label;
	this.color = color;
	this.icon = icon;

var DefaultFloatingButtonsList = Observable(
	new FloatingButton("Excluir", "vermelho00", "DeleteIcon"),
	new FloatingButton("Baixar", "verde00", "DownloadIcon"),
	new FloatingButton("Ordenar", "dourado00", "FilterIcon")

module.exports = {
	labelFiltro : labelFiltro,
	mudarFiltro : mudarFiltro,
	nomeBotao : nomeBotao,

	returnEventArgs : returnEventArgs,
	eventArg : eventArg,

	DefaultFloatingButtonsList : DefaultFloatingButtonsList,
	// vermelho00 : "vermelho00",
	// verde00 : "verde00",
	// dourado00 : "dourado00",
	// DownloadIcon : "DownloadIcon",
	// DeleteIcon : "DeleteIcon",
	// EditIcon : "EditIcon",
	// FilterIcon : "FilterIcon",

I will take a look at your code and try to run it later after work. I am also using Fuse on a Windows 10 machine. Best of luck to you in resolving the issue!

Oh and of course, the error I get is:

ERROR: Unable to convert vermelho00 to float4
    System.Exception occured.

       at Fuse.Scripting.Marshal.ToFloat4(Object o) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.33.5\Scripting\$.uno:line 1068
       at Fuse.Scripting.Marshal.TryConvertTo(Type t, Object o) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.33.5\Scripting\$.uno:line 1123
       at Fuse.Scripting.Marshal.TryConvertTo[T](Object obj, T& value) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.33.5\Scripting\$.uno:line 1089
       at Fuse.Reactive.DataBinding`1.TryPushAsMarshalledValue(Object newValue) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\$.uno:line 364
       at Fuse.Reactive.DataBinding`1.PushValue(Object newValue) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\$.uno:line 307
       at Fuse.Reactive.DataBinding`1.NewValue(Object value) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\$.uno:line 293
       at Fuse.Reactive.SegmentObserver.HandlePath(Object dc, String path) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 294
       at Fuse.Reactive.SegmentObserver.HandleNewDataContext(Object val) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 253
       at Fuse.Reactive.SegmentObserver.HandleObject(ObjectMirror obj) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 264
       at Fuse.Reactive.SegmentObserver.HandlePath(Object dc, String path) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 325
       at Fuse.Reactive.SegmentObserver.Init(Object dc, String path) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 238
       at Fuse.Reactive.BindAttempt.TryBind() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 140
       at Fuse.Reactive.BindAttempt..ctor(PathObserver po) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 131
       at Fuse.Reactive.PathObserver.RestartBinding() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 96
       at Fuse.Reactive.BindAttempt.Restart() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 179
       at Fuse.Reactive.BindAttempt.OnDataContextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs args) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\Subscription\$.uno:line 184
       at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at Fuse.Node.OnDataContextChanged() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.33.5\$.uno:line 3606
       at Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.SetDataContext(Object newDc) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\$.uno:line 1199
       at Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.EvaluateDataContext.SetDataContext() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.33.5\$.uno:line 1228
       at Fuse.UpdateManager.ProcessPostActions() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.33.5\$.uno:line 9907

EDIT: Sorry for my noobness



Fernando Lins; why are you using ux:Global and not ux:Key? ResourceContainer was made for the ux:Key case. (you can read about the details here:

Tree-local resources (ux:Key) you can use the {DataToResouce binding} syntax

Hi Kristian,

Since the documentation gives the example <float4 ux:Global="Red" ux:Value="#f00" />, I thought that was my mistake and changed the code. But using ux:Key, ResourceContainer and {DataToResource someResource} will give me the same error.

As you can see in the topmost post I tried passing "{Resource brightRed}" (float4 Resource) and "{Resource DeleteIcon}"; then moved on to DataToResource as David suggested and finally tried ux:Global instead of ux:Key.


Issue fixed!

I thought that setting {icon} and {color} would return a {Resource someResource} set in JavaScript, but it’s actually the other way around.

If anyone is interested the code below to the class will draw an Android - like Floating Buttons Menu:

<Panel ux:Class="TWAndroidFloatingMenu" ButtonsList="{DefaultFloatingButtonsList}" Alignment="BottomRight" Margin="24">
	<object ux:Property="ButtonsList" />
	var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

	var isOpen = Observable(false);

	function toggleOpen() {
		isOpen.value = !isOpen.value;

	module.exports = {
		isOpen : isOpen,
		toggleOpen : toggleOpen,
	<Circle Width="48" Height="48" Color="{Resource roxo00}" ux:Name="MainFloatingButton" Alignment="BottomRight">
		<Icon24 Value="{Resource CloseIcon}" Alignment="Center" Color="{Resource branco}" ux:Name="MainIcon"/>
			<Callback Handler="{toggleOpen}" />

	<Panel ux:Name="Submenu" Alignment="BottomRight">
		<Translation RelativeTo="Size" RelativeNode="MainFloatingButton" Y="-1" />
		<Translation X="-8" />
		<!-- SubMenuItem Class -->
		<StackPanel ux:Class="SubMenuItem" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="100%" ItemIcon="{Resource DownloadIcon}" ItemColor="{Resource vermelho00}" ItemLabel="Item" IsOpen="false" ux:Name="_thisSubMenu">
			<float4 ux:Property="ItemColor" />
			<string ux:Property="ItemIcon" />
			<string ux:Property="ItemLabel" />

			<bool ux:Property="IsOpen" />

			<WhileFalse Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.IsOpen}">
				<Move RelativeTo="Size" Y="1" Duration="{UIdelay}" DurationBack="{UIdelay}" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicIn" />

			<Rectangle CornerRadius="2" Color="{Resource branco}" Padding="4" Margin="0,0,6,0" ux:Name="Label">
				<WhileFalse Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.IsOpen}">
					<Move X="-1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="{UIdelay}" DurationBack="{UIdelay}" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicInOut" />
					<Change Target="Label.Opacity" Value="0" Duration="{UIdelay}" DurationBack="{UIdelay}" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicInOut"/>
				<Text Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemLabel}" Alignment="Center" Color="{Resource preto}" FontSize="13" />

			<Circle Color="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemColor}" Width="32" Height="32">
				<Icon24 Value="{Property _thisSubMenu.ItemIcon}" Color="{Resource branco}" Alignment="Center" />
		<StackPanel Alignment="BottomRight">
			<Each Items="{Property this.ButtonsList}">
				<Panel Alignment="CenterRight" Margin="0,6,0,6" MinHeight="32">
					<WhileFalse Value="{isOpen}">
						<Change Target="MainIcon.Value" Value="{Resource EditIcon}"/>
						<Change Target="Submenu.Opacity" Value="0" Duration="0.1" DurationBack="{UIdelay}" Easing="CubicOut" EasingBack="CubicIn"/>

					<!-- Print the Item -->
					<SubMenuItem ItemIcon="{DataToResource icon}" ItemColor="{DataToResource color}" ItemLabel="{label}" IsOpen="{isOpen}"/>
	<DropShadow Distance="2" Spread="0.1" Color="#0004" />

You will need to set it up in Javascript as such:

var nI = 0;

function FloatingButton(label, color, icon, UIdelay) {
	this.label = label;
	this.color = color;
	this.icon = icon;
	this.UIdelay = UIdelay;

function returnDelay()
	// This function returns an increasing delay so that 
        // each menu item animates in at a different time. The rate set here is 0.2 seconds per menu item.

	nI = (nI + 0.2);
	return nI;

var DefaultFloatingButtonsList = Observable(
	new FloatingButton("Excluir", "vermelho00", "DeleteIcon", returnDelay()),
	new FloatingButton("Baixar", "verde00", "DownloadIcon", returnDelay()),
	new FloatingButton("Ordenar", "dourado00", "FilterIcon", returnDelay()),
	new FloatingButton("Apresentar", "azul01", "PlayIcon", returnDelay())

You will also need to define the resources for the colors and the icons like:

<!-- Colors -->
<float4 ux:Value="#FEB02E" ux:Key="dourado00" />
<float4 ux:Value="#5859d2" ux:Key="roxo00" />
<float4 ux:Value="#0caf41" ux:Key="verde00" />
<float4 ux:Value="#ef374b" ux:Key="vermelho00" />
<float4 ux:Value="#26548B" ux:Key="azul01" />

<!-- Google Icon Font Values -->
<string ux:Value="&#xE872;" ux:Key="DeleteIcon" />
<string ux:Value="&#xE5DB;" ux:Key="DownloadIcon" />
<string ux:Value="&#xE3C9;" ux:Key="EditIcon" />