Non-template pages in Navigator

Trying to figure out the correct way of using Non-template pages mixed with Template pages in Navigator. When using Template pages I would do it like below:

<Navigator DefaultPath="firstp">
<FirstPage ux:Template=“firstp" router="router" />
<SecondPage ux:Template=“secondp" router="router" />

And in separate files have:

<Page ux:Class="FirstPage">


<Page ux:Class=“SecondPage">

What if I want to make SecondPage a Non-template page. What would the corresponding code be? Pls point me to an example if available.


The code would be almost exactly the same. Instead of specifying a ux:Template, you would set a ux:Name which then immediately creates an instance for the given page:

<Navigator DefaultPath="firstp">
    <FirstPage ux:Template=“firstp" router="router" />
    <SecondPage ux:Name=“secondp" router="router" />

A word of caution: non-template pages are instantiated at app start, so having too many of them might become a performance issue, as seen in other cases.

Thanks so much for clarifying