Netflix style (two dimensional scroll)

I’m having some problems figuring out how to achieve the Netflix style of two dimensional scrolls…
At first I thought about having
ScrollView inside of other ScrollView but they can’t be nested (apparently).
Now I’m trying different formulas but can’t seem to achieve it.

Hey there Yo!

Could be that it’s a thing about orientations and allowed scroll directions.

It’s totally doable and works like a charm, here’s an example.

<App Background="#4c8ddf">
		<ScrollView AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical" Padding="3">
			<StackPanel ItemSpacing="3">
				<Each Count="7">
					<ScrollView AllowedScrollDirections="Horizontal">
						<StackPanel Height="150" Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="3">
							<Each Count="10">
								<Panel Width="100" Background="#fffa" />

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