Hi guys i’m building a custom range control and i want to change the color of the background when its equal to a specific value.
WhileCount seems to not react to change.
<RangeControl ux:Class="CustomSlider" Padding="16,2,16,2" Margin="2" Minimum="0" UserStep="1" Maximum="10" Focus.IsFocusable="true" HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var sliderValue = Observable(1)
var Width = Observable(1.25)
sliderValue.onValueChanged(module, function(x){
if(x < 0.7){
Width.value = 1.25 * 10
}else if (x > 0.7 || x < 9){
Width.value = x * 10
Width.value = (x - 2) * 10
var data = sliderValue.onValueChanged(module, function(x){
return Math.round(x)
module.exports = {
sliderValue: sliderValue,
Width: Width,
data: data
<LinearRangeBehavior />
<DataBinding Target="this.Value" Key="sliderValue" />
<Circle ux:Name="thumb" Anchor="50%,50%" Alignment="Left" Color="White" Width="32" Height="32">
<Rectangle Layer="Background" Height="22" CornerRadius="45">
<Stroke Width="1" Brush="#E4EAF1"/>
<Rectangle Height="21" ClipToBounds="true" CornerRadius="45" ux:Name="RectSlider" Alignment="Left" Width="{Width}%" />
<Rectangle Layer="Background" Height="22" CornerRadius="45" Color="#ECF3FA"/>
<WhileCount Items="{data}" LessThan="5">
<Change RectSlider.Color="#FBAC5E" Easing="Linear" Duration="0.2"/>
<WhileCount Items="{data}" GreaterThan="5" LessThan="7">
<Change RectSlider.Color="#FFE876" Easing="Linear" Duration="0.2"/>
<WhileCount Items="{data}" GreaterThan="7">
<Change RectSlider.Color="#84D88B" Easing="Linear" Duration="0.2"/>
<Move Target="thumb" X="1" RelativeTo="ParentSize" />