Modal refuses to show

I was using the dynamic tab bar example (, and wanted to add a modal as described here (, but i’m having issues.

If I set the opacity to 1, i can see the modal.

If I try to show it using Javascript it does not work.

You have to run it on iOS (or something that supports GPS, so you can specify GPS coordinates) in order for the modal to work.

The trigger to activate the modal is when you hit the following coordinates:
41.995876, 21.431812

As far as I can gather from the example, when the GPS hits the coordinates, I set the isDialogShowing observable to true, and that should display the modal. It doesnt work however.

The modal specific code in the example is here:
It works there.

Here’s the code:

		var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
        var GeoLocation = require("FuseJS/GeoLocation");

        var hikes = [{"Title":"This is a hike", "Description":"It's a very good hike","LocalPhoto":"/Assets/screen2.png"}]
        var trails = [{"Title":"This is a trail", "Description":"It's a very good trail","LocalPhoto":"/Assets/screen2.png", "Locations":[{"lat":"41.996075","lon":"21.431812"}]}]

        // Immediate

        var Tours = Observable();
        var timeoutLocation = Observable("");

        var isDialogShowing = Observable(false);

		function distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 
		  var R = 6371; // km
		  var dLat = toRad(lat2-lat1);
		  var dLon = toRad(lon2-lon1);
		  var lat1 = toRad(lat1);
		  var lat2 = toRad(lat2);

		  var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
		    Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); 
		  var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); 
		  var d = R * c;
		  return d * 1000;

		// Converts numeric degrees to radians
		function toRad(Value) 
		    return Value * Math.PI / 180;

       function startContinuousListener() {
            var intervalMs = 1000;
            var desiredAccuracyInMeters = 10;
            GeoLocation.startListening(intervalMs, desiredAccuracyInMeters);

        function stopContinuousListener() {


        var observedLocation = GeoLocation.observe("changed");
        var mapLocation = observedLocation;

		GeoLocation.on("error", function(err){console.log(err)});
		GeoLocation.on("changed", function(loc){
			if (observedLocation.value){
				var dist = distance(41.995876, 21.431812, observedLocation.value.latitude, observedLocation.value.longitude)
				if ((dist < 50)){
					// Display modal
					isDialogShowing = true;
					console.log('check 1')

		var mapLocation = observedLocation;
		var continuousLocation =;

        module.exports = {
            timeoutLocation: continuousLocation,
            mapLocation: mapLocation,
            hikes: hikes,
            trails: trails


	<Panel ux:Name="dialog" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="40" Padding="20,40,20,0">
		<Rectangle Layer="Background" Fill="#fff" CornerRadius="2" Opacity=".8" />
			<Text Alignment="Center" FontSize="30" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center">Your playdate has been booked!</Text>
			<Button Text="Fantastic!" Margin="0,20,0,0" Padding="10,10,10,50" Clicked="{closeDialog}" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" />
		<WhileFalse Value="{isDialogShowing}">
			<Move X="3" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="0.6" Easing="BackIn" />
			<Scale Factor="0.8" Duration=".6" Easing="BackIn" />
		<DropShadow />

	<WhileTrue Value="{isDialogShowing}">
		<Change dialog.Opacity="1" Duration=".3" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />

		<Grid Columns="auto,1*,auto" Height="50" Dock="Top" Margin="5">
			<Grid ColumnCount="2" RowCount="2" Width="22" Height="22" Margin="10">
				<Each Count="4">
					<Circle Color="color4" Margin="1.5"/>
			<Text ux:Name="titleText" Value="GEO TEST" Color="color0" FontSize="25" Alignment="Center">
				<Font File="Assets/Fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf" />
			<Image File="Assets/search.png" Color="color4" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="10"/>

		<Panel Dock="Top" Height="60" >
			<Rectangle ux:Name="indicator" CornerRadius="30" Color="color0" LayoutMaster="p1" Margin="0,10" Width="100%" ZOffset="0.1"/>
			<Grid ColumnCount="5" Margin="-30,0">
				<Panel ux:Name="p1" Column="0" ColumnSpan="2"/>
				<Panel ux:Name="p4" Column="3" ColumnSpan="2"/>

			<Grid ZOffset="1" Margin="-20,0">
				<Column ux:Name="col1" Width="1" WidthMetric="Proportion"/>
				<Column ux:Name="col2" Width="1" WidthMetric="Proportion"/>
				<Column ux:Name="col3" Width="1" WidthMetric="Proportion"/>
				<Column ux:Name="col4" Width="1" WidthMetric="Proportion"/>

				<Text ux:Class="TabHeader" Color="White" Alignment="CenterLeft" Opacity="0" Margin="20,0,0,0" MinWidth="100"/>
				<Image ux:Class="TabIcon" Width="25" Height="25" />

				<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
					<Grid Columns="auto,1*" Margin="40,0" Alignment="Left">
						<TabIcon ux:Name="c1" File="Assets/basket.png" Color="color0"/>
						<TabHeader ux:Name="h1" Value="Hikes" />
						<Set nav.Active="page1" />
				<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
					<Grid Columns="auto,1*" Margin="30,0" Alignment="Left">
						<TabIcon ux:Name="c2" File="Assets/accountbalance.png" Color="color1"/>
						<TabHeader ux:Name="h2" Value="Trails"/>
						<Set nav.Active="page2" />
				<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
					<Grid Columns="auto,1*" Margin="30,0" Alignment="Left">
						<TabIcon ux:Name="c3" File="Assets/play.png" Color="color2"/>
						<TabHeader ux:Name="h3" Value="Information"/>

						<Set nav.Active="page3" />
				<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
					<Grid Columns="auto,1*" Margin="30,0" Alignment="Left">
						<TabIcon ux:Name="c4" File="Assets/person.png" Color="color3" />
						<TabHeader ux:Name="h4" Value="Friends"/>
						<Set nav.Active="page4" />
		<PageControl ux:Name="nav">
			<NavigationMotion GotoEasing="BackOut" />
			<Attractor ux:Name="indicatorColorAttractor" Target="indicator.Color" Value="color0" />
			<Rectangle ux:Name="bgColor" Layer="Background" Color="color0" Opacity="0.12"/>
			<Attractor ux:Name="bgColorAttractor" Target="bgColor.Color" Value="color0" />
			<Attractor ux:Name="titleTextAttractor" Target="titleText.Color" Value="color0" />

			<WhileTrue ux:Name="shrinkIndicatorWidth">
				<Change indicator.Width="90" Duration="0.25"/>

			<Image ux:Class="PagePlaceholder" Margin="8,10,8,0" StretchMode="UniformToFill" ContentAlignment="Top"/>

			<Page ux:Name="page1">
		            <Grid ColumnCount="1">
	                    <Each Items="{hikes}">
		                    <DockPanel Height="350" Margin="10,20">
		                        <Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="10" Fill="#fff"  />
		                        <Rectangle Height="200" Dock="Top" Margin="0,-10"  CornerRadius="10">
		                        	<Image File="{LocalPhoto}" Height="230" Padding="30" StretchMode="Fill" /> 
		                    		<Clicked Handler="{locClick}" />
								<Panel Margin="0,40" >
		                            <Text Value="{Title}" TextAlignment="Left" Alignment="Left"  Margin="10,0" Padding="10" Dock="Top" FontSize="22" />
		                            <Text Value="{Description}" Height="50" TextAlignment="Left" Alignment="Left" Margin="10,60" Dock="Top" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
								<Set nav.Active="page2" />


				<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
					<Set shrinkIndicatorWidth.Value="false" />
					<Set indicatorColorAttractor.Value="color0" />
					<Set bgColorAttractor.Value="color0" />
					<Set titleTextAttractor.Value="color0" />
					<Change h1.Opacity="1" />
					<Change col1.Width="2" />
					<Change c1.Color="White" />
			<Page ux:Name="page2">
					<Panel Height="250">
				        	<Select Data="{mapLocation}">
				            <MapView Latitude="41.9964600" Longitude="21.4314100" Zoom="10" ShowMyLocationButton="True" >
				                <Each Items="{trails}">
				                	<Each Items="{Locations}">
				                		<MapMarker Latitude="{lat}" Longitude="{lon}" Label="{Title}"/>

				<Panel Height="40">
					<Text Value="{timeoutLocation}" />
				<Panel Height="400">
			            <Grid ColumnCount="1">
			            	<Each Items="{trails}">
			                    <StackPanel Height="300" Margin="10" Padding="10">
			                        <Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="10" Fill="#fff"  />
			                        <Rectangle Padding="-10" >
			                        	<Image File="{LocalPhoto}" Height="200" /> 
			                            <Text Value="{Title}" TextAlignment="Left" Alignment="Left" Dock="Top" FontSize="22" TextWrapping="Wrap" />

			                            <Text Value="{Description}" TextAlignment="Left" Alignment="Left" TextWrapping="Wrap" />


					<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
						<Set shrinkIndicatorWidth.Value="true" />
						<Set indicatorColorAttractor.Value="color1" />
						<Set bgColorAttractor.Value="color1" />
						<Set titleTextAttractor.Value="color1" />
						<Change h2.Opacity="1" />
						<Change col2.Width="2" />
						<Change c2.Color="White" />
			<Page ux:Name="page3">
				<PagePlaceholder File="Assets/screen3.png" />
				<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
					<Set shrinkIndicatorWidth.Value="true" />
					<Set indicatorColorAttractor.Value="color2" />
					<Set bgColorAttractor.Value="color2" />
					<Set titleTextAttractor.Value="color2" />
					<Change h3.Opacity="1" />
					<Change col3.Width="2" />
					<Change c3.Color="White" />
			<Page ux:Name="page4">
				<PagePlaceholder File="Assets/screen4.png" />
				<WhileActive Threshold="0.5">
					<Set shrinkIndicatorWidth.Value="false" />
					<Set indicatorColorAttractor.Value="color3" />
					<Set bgColorAttractor.Value="color3" />
					<Set titleTextAttractor.Value="color3" />
				<ActivatingAnimation Scale="0.333">
					<Move Target="indicator" X="1" RelativeTo="PositionOffset" RelativeNode="p4"/>
					<Change h4.Opacity="1" />
					<Change col4.Width="2" />
					<Change c4.Color="White" />

Hi R0b0tn1k,

more likely than not, the problem is with this line:

isDialogShowing = true;

Since the isDialogShowing is an Observable that you have [correctly] declared as such:

var isDialogShowing = Observable(false);

then instead of replacing the variable with a boolean, you need to change the value of that Observable, like so:

isDialogShowing.value = true;

I suggest you take a look at docs on Observables, this is covered there nicely.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Uldis.

I changed the code to reflect your comments, however, the modal still wont show.

console.log captures the output that the value is changed:


But the modal still wont show. Ideas?

No, not really. I wanted to give your reproduction a go, but it relies on a lot of things not present in the code. We need a simplified version of that which would run fine on its own when put in a new project.

I suggest you first get the modal showing at all in the first place, and only then proceed to hook it up to the GeoLocation things.

Uldis, sorry if i’m being a noob, but i’m unable to fix this.

I added a button what sets the opacity to 1, but the modal does not show:

<Button Text="Display Modal" Clicked="{dispModal}" Height="30" ></Button>
	<Set dialog.Opacity="1" />

So, to make it easy for you to diagnose, I uploaded the demo in to github, so you can fetch it here:

Alright, thanks, I’ll take a look and report on my findings.

Thanks dude!

Submitted a pull request against that repo that should fix things for you.

The major take-away is that I created a quick “test toggle” function, added all that was necessary to the module.exports section and it started working; at least for me.


Knocking my head on this for the past 2 hours.

If I click the text that you set, the function fires, modal is displayed.

If I try the same from the GPS on change handler, nothing happens.

Debug says function is fired, but modal is never shown.


GeoLocation.on("changed", function(loc){
	if (observedLocation.value){
		if (oldLoc!=JSON.stringify(observedLocation.value)){
			oldLoc = JSON.stringify(observedLocation.value);
			console.log('check 2')
					var dist = distance(,gpsloc.lon, observedLocation.value.latitude, observedLocation.value.longitude)
					console.log(dist + ' < ' + gpsloc.rad + ' ' + (dist < gpsloc.rad))
					if ((dist < gpsloc.rad)){
						// Display modal
						//isDialogShowing.value = ! isDialogShowing.value;
						console.log('check 3')


This happens from the GPS handler (from console.log):

654.0174659692262 < 10 false
582.7579009250737 < 100 false
NaN < 50 false
0 < 10 true
check 3

But it doesnt work.

When I click on the button, this happens (clicked twice):


And modal is displayed.

So GPS fires the function, it executes, but modal is not displayed?


I tried setting the function to an ajax call. This is an async function, yet the modal is displayed.

It also fires when clicking.

So the only issue I can think of at this point is that this is having something to do with the GPS changed event handler.


I managed to get the app working on Android.

It seems to trigger the function from the GPS location listener.

So this has to be iOS related. I dont have a developer account (yet) to test on an actual device, but the emulator may be at fault here.