ImageSource error: 'Loading image from file failed. Could not find a part of the path "/Assets/icon-people.png"

Hello! I’m with a problem with ImageSource.

Just to be simple! I have two panels, one with hardcoded Image File url, other catching the url from the javascript. One work, the other no.

What I’m doing wrong?

	module.exports = {
			image_icon: "./Assets/icon-people-01.png"

<Panel ux:Class="Panel1">
<Image File="Assets/icon-people-01-01.png" />

<Panel ux:Class="Panel2">
<Image File="{image_icon}" />

<Panel1 />
<Panel2 />

This work for me:

module.exports = { image_icon: "Assets/1.png" };
<Panel ux:Class="Panel1">
	<Image File="Assets/1.png" />

<Panel ux:Class="Panel2">
	<Image File="{image_icon}" />

	<Panel1 />
	<Panel2 />

Yeah, its probably the “./Assets…”, should be “Assets/…” and check that its bundled in your .proj.


Thanks, was a problem in the bundled! Thanks!