Hi Folks, I’m trying to use not yet documented feature Focus.Delegate
link here: https://www.fusetools.com/docs/fuse/input/focus/setfocusdelegate_b1e2e2b8
I tried to use an ux:Name
or this
as value on Focus.Delegate
with no success as well.
Can someone help me to figure out this scenario?
<App Background="#000">
var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');
var input = Observable('hi im the input value');
module.exports = {
input: input
<StackPanel ux:Class="myCustomInput" Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="30">
<Button Text="Click Me to raise focus to StackPanel">
<GiveFocus Target="myStack"/>
<Button Text="Click Me to raise focus directly to TextInput">
<GiveFocus Target="myInput"/>
<StackPanel ux:Name="myStack" Alignment="Center">
<Text Value="{input}" FontSize="24" Color="#000"/>
<TextInput ux:Name="myInput" Value="{input}" Visibility="Hidden" Focus.Delegate="myStack"/>
<Panel Color="#FFF" Padding="20">
<myCustomInput ux:Name="mycomponent"/>
<Move Target="mycomponent" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Keyboard" Duration=".3" />
Fuse version 0.36.1 (build 12010)
OSX Sierra 10.12.4