I have a Page using <Grid>
with some <TextInput>
on it. The problem is that every time I tap an input, the keyboard “squeeze” the page vertically, and this behavior leads to my Grid children getting above each other.
How to prevent this kind of behavior?
Visual example of what is happening:
** View Code: **
<AppPanel ux:Class="IndexPage">
<Router ux:Dependency="router" />
<Grid RowCount="2">
<Image File="../Assets/logo.png" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="50" />
<Text Color="#44679f" FontSize="26" TextAlignment="Center">E Meu FGTS?</Text>
<Text Color="#44679f" FontSize="18" TextAlignment="Center" MaxWidth="300" Margin="10" TextWrapping="Wrap">Consulte a partir de qual data seu FGTS estará disponível.</Text>
<Text Alignment="Center" FontSize="18" Color="#646464">Digite sua data de Nascimento:</Text>
<Grid ColumnCount="3" Margin="20" Alignment="Center" IsFrozen="true">
<AppTextInput PlaceholderText="DD" MaxLength="2" />
<AppTextInput PlaceholderText="MM" MaxLength="2" />
<AppTextInput PlaceholderText="AAAA" MaxLength="4" Width="60" />
<Text Color="#44679f" Opacity="0.5" Margin="0, -15, 0, 35" FontSize="15" Alignment="Center">Exemplo: 01/10/1980</Text>
<AppButton Label="Consultar Data!" Clicked="{ gotoSuccess }"></AppButton>